Issue - meetings

FP1067 Independent Living

Meeting: 10/08/2021 - Cabinet (Item 31)

Independent Living (Forward Plan Reference FP1067)

Exempt recommendation from the meeting of the Cabinet Housing Panel on 19 July 2021 on Independent Living - 24 Hour Control Centre Service Review.

Additional documents:


(1)   Cabinet considered the options set out in the report and approved one of the three options for delivery of the 24/7 Control Centre and out of hours council service cover.


(2)   The preferred option recommended was option one – full 24/7 emergency alarm and out of hours council service cover.


(3)   If option one was agreed, it was also recommended to bring the existing contracts to an end through appropriate contract clauses, and save the council entering into sub-contracting arrangements.


Exempt recommendation from the meeting of the Cabinet Housing Panel on 19 July

2021 on Independent Living - 24 Hour Control Centre Service Review.


(1)       The Decision Taken





(1)  Cabinet considered the options set out in the report and approved one of the three options for delivery of the 24/7 Control Centre and out of hours council service cover.


(2)  The preferred option recommended was option one – full 24/7 emergency alarm and out of hours council service cover.


(3)  If option one was agreed, it was also recommended to bring the existing contracts to an end through appropriate contract clauses, and save the council entering into sub-contracting arrangements.


(2)       Reasons for the Decision


The overarching objectives of the review was to explore alternative delivery models that could deliver a more efficient and cost-effective service, reduce the demand for ongoing investment in technology and to mitigate risks associated with the current service.


The Council’s Modernisation Board agreed for a service-led project review project, leading to a desk top review of the potential options for future service delivery.


A review of the existing service to explore how the Council could retain direct delivery, but done differently and still deliver efficiencies, had not been explored in detail at that point given the perceived benefits that could be realised through possible external delivery models.


The review therefore prioritised exploring the option to outsource the service to a 3rd party contractor.


Soft market testing with a market leading organisation had allowed for a good understanding of the potential estimated contract costs.


The preferred option that was recommended for further exploration is for a 3rd party organisation to cover the full 24/7 emergency alarm monitoring service and the existing out of hours cover for other council services.


There were 12 members of staff that would be impacted by the proposed changes, 11 of which would be at risk of redundancy.


Any staff at risk of redundancy would be subject to the current Redundancy and Redeployment Policy and TUPE regulations may also apply.


Dependent on whether TUPE regulations were applied, the financial implications for staff payments, contract costs and overall efficiency savings realised could be affected. However, it was not possible to provide a definitive position at this stage as this would be dependent on the outcome of further exploration of the proposed option through completing a tender and procurement process.