Issue - meetings

FP1068 Community and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

Meeting: 10/08/2021 - Cabinet (Item 26)

26 Community and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy (Forward Plan Reference FP1068) pdf icon PDF 235 KB

Report of the Chief Executive setting out a proposed new community and stakeholder engagement strategy.

Additional documents:


(1)   Cabinet approved the Council’s community and stakeholder engagement strategy (CASES) for 2021-24 as set out in Appendix A and noted the supporting action plan in Appendix B.


(2)   Cabinet gave delegated authority to the Corporate Management Team to oversee the development and implementation of strategies linked to the CASES as set out in paragraph 13.2 of the report, except where there were existing governance arrangements in place for Member approval and/or scrutiny of those strategies.


Report of the Chief Executive setting out a proposed new community and stakeholder engagement strategy.


(1)       The Decision Taken





(1)  Cabinet approved the Council’s community and stakeholder engagement strategy (CASES) for 2021-24 as set out in Appendix A and noted the supporting action plan in Appendix B.


(2)  Cabinet gave delegated authority to the Corporate Management Team to oversee the development and implementation of strategies linked to the CASES as set out in paragraph 13.2 of the report, except where there were existing governance arrangements in place for Member approval and/or scrutiny of those strategies.


(2)        Reasons for the Decision


The Leader was please to bring the new Community Engagement Strategy to Cabinet.  It would help the Council improve the way it connects with all of its communities, specifically how it involves local people and stakeholders in the decisions that affect them.


The Council had consulted widely, both internally and externally, in producing the strategy. In doing so the Council had been guided by the Local Government Association’s (LGA) latest research on effective community engagement, by borough-wide consultation, and by workshop sessions at the latest Welwyn Hatfield Alliance Conference. The insight gained in doing so was reflected in the proposals.


The strategy contained five broad themes, supported by an action plan and overseen in its delivery by an officer-led working group. The group will have representation from all services and will report progress to the Leader of the Council.