Issue - meetings

FP1076 Consideration of the Welwyn Garden City Business Improvement District Renewal Proposal

Meeting: 05/10/2021 - Cabinet (Item 41)

41 Consideration of the Welwyn Garden City Business Improvement District Renewal Proposal (Forward Plan Reference FP1076) pdf icon PDF 328 KB

Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) on a proposal by Welwyn Garden City Business Improvement District (WGC BID) to continue for a second five-year term.

Additional documents:


(1)   Cabinet supported the Business Improvement District (BID) renewal proposal, having considered the draft Business Plan, baseline agreements and BID boundary and agreed that there was no conflict with any adopted policy, as set out in Paragraph 4.4 of the report.


(2)   Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Public Protection, Planning and Governance to cast a YES vote in the BID ballot.


(3)   Cabinet noted that the Council would run the ballot, as set out in paragraph 4.5 and that Mr J.Merron will be the Returning Officer.


(4)   Cabinet noted that the Council would be the billing authority.


(5)   Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Head of Resources, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Executive Member, Resources, to agree the charge for managing the levy billing, collection and enforcement process.


(6)   Cabinet agreed, subject to a majority YES vote, to delegate authority to the Head of Community and Housing Strategy, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to enter into the operating agreement with the BID Company and to finalise the Baseline agreements, in consultation with relevant Heads of Service.


(7)   Cabinet noted that the Leader of the Council was currently the Cabinet member representative on the BID Board in place of Councillor B.Sarson, who was the previous representative.


Report  of  the  Corporate  Director  (Public  Protection,  Planning  and  Governance) on a proposal by Welwyn Garden City Business  Improvement  District  (WGC  BID)  to  continue  for  a  second  five-year  term.


(1)       The Decision Taken





(1)   Cabinet supported the Business Improvement District (BID) renewal proposal, having considered the draft Business Plan, baseline agreements and BID boundary and agreed that there was no conflict with any adopted policy, as set out in Paragraph 4.4 of the report.


(2)  Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Public Protection, Planning and Governance to cast a YES vote in the BID ballot.


(3)  Cabinet noted that the Council would run the ballot, as set out in paragraph 4.5 and that Mr J.Merron will be the Returning Officer.


(4)  Cabinet noted that the Council would be the billing authority.


(5)  Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Head of Resources, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Executive Member, Resources, to agree the charge for managing the levy billing, collection and enforcement process.


(6)  Cabinet agreed, subject to a majority YES vote, to delegate authority to the Head of Community and Housing Strategy, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to enter into the operating agreement with the BID Company and to finalise the Baseline agreements, in consultation with relevant Heads of Service.


(7)  Cabinet noted that the Leader of the Council was currently the Cabinet member representative on the BID Board in place of Councillor B.Sarson, who was the previous representative.


(2)       Reasons for the Decision


The BID comprised of ratepaying businesses within a defined area of Welwyn Garden City town centre, set out in Appendix C.  These each pay an annual levy, as explained in the report in Sections 3.6 and 3.7. Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council was a member of the BID, and pays a levy based upon its own premises in the area.


The BID had been in existence for 5 years, and had delivered a number of benefits during that time. 


The BID agreement was now due for renewal.  Renewal had to be supported by a majority of BID members, as explained in Section 3.3.


The BID involves the Council, as a member, paying a levy, and the Council administers the ballot, and collects the levies from members. However, it was considered that the benefits of having a BID, and being a member, significantly outweigh these costs.