Issue - meetings

FP1082 Covid Recovery Framework

Meeting: 05/10/2021 - Cabinet (Item 41)

41 Covid Recovery Framework (Forward Plan Reference FP1082) pdf icon PDF 243 KB

Report of the Chief Executive on the Covid Recovery Framework.

Additional documents:


Members noted the activities to date.


Report of the Chief Executive on the Covid Recovery Framework.


(1)       The Decision Taken





Members noted the activities to date.


(2)       Reasons for the Decision


Back in May 2020, Cabinet agreed to the establishment of a framework to guide the recovery phase of the Council’s work in facing up to the Covid pandemic.


Since that time, there have been further lockdowns, as the pandemic has unfortunately endured.


Nonetheless, many aspects of recovery were underway, and the purpose of the report, which was presented for information, was to provide a summary of the Council’s recovery activities to date.


The key points worth highlighting were:


   Support to businesses both through the administration of £30 million of government funded grants, and advice and guidance on opening businesses up again.

   Despite the pandemic disruptions, regeneration work in Hatfield and Welwyn Garden City had continued at pace, and a new “HatTech” business centre had opened.

   Support to the community, in particular with the introduction of a new Community Safety Partnership, which promoted mental health awareness, wellbeing support, and community inclusion.

   Partnership working, notably with the Hertfordshire Recovery Coordinating Group (RCG).

   Close attention to the undoubted financial challenges brought about by the pandemic.

   Continuation of the Council’s modernization programme, which helped us address the financial challenges, and improve working practices and resilience in the light of pandemic experience.


Cabinet Members thanked Officers who have continued to work incredibly hard over the last couple of months.