Issue - meetings

FP1084 Appointment of Now Housing Directors

Meeting: 03/11/2021 - Cabinet (Item 48)

48 Appointment of Now Housing Directors (Forward Plan Reference FP1084) pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on the function of director appointments to the council’s Shareholders’ Group (SG) for Now Housing Limited.

Additional documents:


Cabinet delegated authority to the Shareholders Group for Now Housing Limited, to appoint directors to the Now Housing Limited Board, in consultation with the Leader and Executive Member, Housing and Climate Change.


Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on the function of director appointments to the council’s Shareholders’ Group (SG) for Now Housing Limited.


(1)       The Decision Taken





That Cabinet delegates authority to the Shareholders Group for Now Housing Limited, to appoint directors to the Now Housing Limited Board, in consultation with the Leader and Executive Member, Housing and Climate Change.


(2)       Reasons for the Decision


The recommendation is for Cabinet to delegate the function of director appointments to the council’s Shareholders’ Group for Now Housing Limited. The Shareholders’ Group comprises members of the Corporate Management Team and includes the Head of Housing Operations as the housing adviser to the Shareholders’ Group.


Now Housing Limited is the council-owned housing company set up following Cabinet approval in January 2019 with the aim of helping to meet local housing need.


The current governance arrangements provide that any directors to Now Housing Limited are to be appointed by Cabinet, however the Shareholders’ Group recognised that for the business to progressed director appointments needed to be made swiftly.