Issue - meetings

Ludwick Green (Forward Plan Reference FP1140)

Meeting: 06/02/2023 - Cabinet (Item 82)

82 Ludwick Green (Forward Plan Reference FP1140) pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Report of the Executive Director (Place) on the Award of Contract for Ludwick Green.

Additional documents:


Cabinet agreed to delegate the award of the contract for Ludwick Green to the Executive Member for Housing in consultation with the Executive Director (Place) and the Executive Director (Finance and Transformation).


Report of the Assistant Director (Regeneration and Economic Development) on the upcoming project at Ludwick Green, which will see the redevelopment of an existing disused residential block, to deliver fourteen new homes for social rent.


The site has been in disrepair and was identified for redevelopment as the previous building was no longer fit for purpose. The scheme that is proposed will deliver vital social rented accommodation for people on our housing register and will transform a site which is currently in very poor condition.


The site has previously had a resolution to grant planning permission by Development Management Committee, and due to the condition of the site, officers are keen to progress the project at the earliest opportunity. It is therefore proposed that delegated authority be granted for the award of the contract, so that when the current procurement process has been concluded, the contract can be awarded in a timely manner, and the scheme can be progressed, ensuring that the benefits are delivered at the earliest opportunity.


(1)   The Decision Taken





Cabinet agreed to delegate the award of the contract for Ludwick Green to the Executive Member for Housing in consultation with the Executive Director (Place) and the Executive Director (Finance and Transformation).


(2)   Reasons for the Decision


The Council is delivering an affordable housing programme to provide new social housing throughout the Borough. The scheme is an important part of the Affordable Housing Programme, and delegated

authority is sought to appoint a contractor and move forward with the site as a priority.