Issue - meetings

FP1171 Risk Management Policy, Strategy and Framework

Meeting: 07/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 93)

93 Risk Management Policy, Strategy and Framework (Forward Plan Reference FP1171) pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Recommendation from the Audit Committee on the 30 January 2023 on the council’s new Risk Management Policy, Strategy and Framework.

Additional documents:


Cabinet agreed to approve the Council’s Risk Management Policy, Strategy and Framework.


The report presents a new policy, strategy and framework for the council’s approach to risk management.


Key changes include:


  • A clearer risk distinction between policy and procedure;
  • More regular management reporting to enable swifter response to changes in risks;
  • Improved risk scoring methodology; and,
  • A change of back-office systems for capturing and reporting on risk;


The documents were unanimously agreed by Audit Committee and officers will arrange member training in the new municipal year. 


(1)  The Decision Taken




Cabinet agreed to approve the Council’s Risk Management Policy, Strategy and Framework.


(2)  Reasons for the Decision


In order to ensure that the new risk registers can be set up, that staff training can be provided, and that the new reporting can be set up in advance of the new municipal year when the changes will take effect from.


The council’s current Risk Management Strategy and Framework is a single document, which does not clearly distinguish between the Council’s Policy, Strategy and the framework for delivery of risk management activities.