Issue - meetings

FP1177 Recovered Newsprint Contract

Meeting: 06/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 103)

103 Recovered Newsprint Contract (Forward Plan Reference FP1177) pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Report of the Service Director (Resident and Neighbourhood) on the Extension of Sale of Newspaper contract.

Additional documents:


Cabinet agreed to extend the contract with Palm Recycling Limited for one year (from 1st July 2023 to 31st May 2024).


Recovered Newsprint Contract (Forward Plan Reference FP1177)

The report requested an extension to the contract with Palm Recycling Limited.


1)     The Decision Taken



Cabinet agreed to extend the contract with Palm Recycling Limited for one year for one year from 1st July 2023 to 31st May 2024.


2)     Reasons for the Decision


In January 2021, Cabinet agreed to award a contract to Palm Recycling Limited for the processing of recovered newsprint. This Council is the Lead Authority for the Herts paper consortium, and its members include:

·        Broxbourne Borough Council

·        Chelmsford City Council

·        East Herts District Council

·        Hertsmere Borough Council

·        North Herts District Council

·        Stevenage Borough Council

·        Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council


Members of the consortium collect paper from residents and then sells this material for reprocessing. The majority of the consortium members collect paper separated (known as News and Pams), whilst Broxbourne and Stevenage (and a very small amount from this council from banks) collect mixed paper and card. There is different pricing for these types of paper as the separation process is more onerous.


The pricing is based on the paper indices, with an additional uplift per tonne and a minimum price. Welwyn Hatfield BC hold the contract with Palm Recycling Limited and have an SLA with the other members of the consortium, enabling them to call off the contract.


All members of the consortium are happy with the performance of the Contractor and are receiving good levels of income.