Issue - meetings

FP1182 Lemsford Village Character Assessment and Conservation Area designation

Meeting: 19/07/2023 - Council (Item 21)


Recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 11 July 2023, and the Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel held on 23 June 2023 on the Lemsford Village Character Assessment and Conservation Area designation.

Additional documents:


Following consideration at the Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel on 22 June 2023, and Cabinet on 11 July 2023, the Council were asked to approve the Lemsford Village Character Assessment and Conservation Designation.


Under national planning policy guidance and advice by Historic England, Local

Planning Authorities (LPAs) are required to review their areas and formulate and

publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas.

LPAs should also consult the public and take account of views expressed.


A review of the Lemsford area was undertaken by the Council’s heritage consultant,

Essex Place Services, and a Draft Character Assessment was produced. The

assessment identified areas of special architectural or historic interest within the

Lemsford area and included a discussion on the suitability of conservation area

designation as well as a suggested conservation area boundary.


A six-week consultation was carried out on the Draft Character Assessment,

seeking the views of residents, local businesses, local interest groups and statutory

consultees on the content of the Draft Character Assessment and whether the

recommendation to designate as a conservation area was supported.


The representations received were largely in support of designation of the Lemsford

area as a conservation area. The comments received have been considered by

officers in conjunction with Council’s consultant Place Services, and a final version

of the Character Assessment had been produced including a slightly amended

conservation area boundary in response to the comments received.


The proposal was moved and seconded by Councillors Zukowskyj and Broach.




Councillor Quinton and Councillor S Boulton abstained from the vote.


Council approved the Lemsford Character Assessment and Lemsford was designated as new conservation area.






Meeting: 11/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 113)

113 Lemsford Village Character Assessment and Conservation Area designation (Forward Plan Reference FP1182) pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Recommendation from the meeting of Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel on the 22 June 2023 on the Lemsford Village Character Assessment and Conservation Area designation.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council that Lemsford Character Assessment is to be adopted and Lemsford is designated as a new conservation area.


The paper set out the minutes from the Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel held on 22 June 2023.


Decision taken

The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council that Lemsford Character Assessment is to be adopted and Lemsford is designated as a new conservation area.



Reasons for the decision


The Cabinet Parking and Planning Panel had received a presentation from officers on the provision of making Lemsford a designated conservation area. The Panel recommended to Cabinet that Lemsford should be considered a conservation area.