Issue - meetings

FP xxxxxx

Meeting: 03/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 330)

Report of the Grounds Maintenance Task and Finish Group

Additional documents:


Decision taken

Cabinet agreed the recommendations set out in the report.


Reason for decision

On 20th November 2024, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommended to Cabinet the recommendations of the Grounds Maintenance Task & Finish Group for approval



Cabinet received a report of the Grounds Maintenance Task and Finish Group. The report set out the details of the scope of the Group and a number of recommendations from the Group’s findings. 


During the discussion, the Leader of the Opposition was noted that the length and time of cut of the were included in the recommendations in the report. The Leader of the Opposition asked how confident the Executive Member (Environment) was that there would be improvements within the next year. The Executive Member for Environment highlighted that significant changes were being made to how grass cutting would take place within the borough. A number of factors were weather dependent but assurances were provided that residents would see the improvement.


Decision taken

Cabinet agreed the recommendations set out in the report.


Reason for decision

On 20th November 2024, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommended to Cabinet the recommendations of the Grounds Maintenance Task & Finish Group for approval