Issue - meetings

FP2104 University of Hertfordshire Campus Masterplan

Meeting: 03/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 331)

FP2104 University of Hertfordshire Campus Masterplan

The papers for this item can be found on the below link:

Supplement Item 8 - Papers 19112024 1930 Cabinet Planning and Parking



Additional documents:


Decision taken

The Cabinet:

·         Endorsed the University of Hertfordshire Estates Vision and accompanying phasing plans for development management purposes; and

·         Agreed that the contents of the Estate Vision be treated as material consideration in future planning applications


Reason for decision

Endorsement of the Estates Vision would enable future planning applications to be considered in the context of the overall vision and would enable the Vision itself to be treated as a material consideration. Whilst individual applications, along with their impacts, would still need to be considered through the planning process, the existence of a strategic framework would demonstrate the Council’s in principle support for their future plans.



At this point in the meeting Councillor Broach and Thorpe left the room.


Cabinet received a report on the University of Hertfordshire’s Estate Vision 2035.


During the discussion, Councillor Zukowskyj raised concerns regarding the development of the site such as whether the height of the blocks within the site would be comprehensively assessed to ensure these do not impact the views of the Green Belt. The Executive Member (Planning) highlighted that the plans were for improvements for the university and all planning applications are assessed against planning policies such as the Local Plan.


Decision taken

The Cabinet:

·         Endorsed the University of Hertfordshire Estates Vision and accompanying phasing plans for development management purposes; and

·         Agreed that the contents of the Estate Vision be treated as material consideration in future planning applications


Reason for decision

Endorsement of the Estates Vision would enable future planning applications to be considered in the context of the overall vision and would enable the Vision itself to be treated as a material consideration. Whilst individual applications, along with their impacts, would still need to be considered through the planning process, the existence of a strategic framework would demonstrate the Council’s in principle support for their future plans.