Issue - meetings


Meeting: 01/11/2016 - Cabinet (Item 97)

Window Cleaning (Forward Plan Reference FP775)

Report of the Executive Director which provides details of the proposals for award of the contract.

Meeting: 01/11/2016 - Cabinet (Item 97)

Corporate Cleaning (Forward Plan Reference FP775)

Report of the Executive Director which details the proposal for award of the contract.


Exempt report of the Executive Director on the process to procure cleaning services for the Council’s operational buildings.


(1)          The Decision Taken




That a two year contract with a possible one year extension be awarded to Birkin Cleaning Services Ltd (Birkin).


(2)          Reasons for the Decision


A Member Procurement Board had overseen the process to procure cleaning services for the Council’s operational buildings.


The contract would be for a higher level of specification than the current contract and hence there was some increase in cost above existing budgets.  This could be accommodated within the inflationary increase assumed in the budget setting process for 2017/18.