Issue - meetings

FP790 Northdown Road, Hatfield - Sixteen Affordable Homes

Meeting: 04/04/2017 - Cabinet (Item 160)

Award of Build Contract for the Redevelopment of 16 Bedsit Flats on Northdown Road as part of the Councils Affordable Housing Programme (Forward Plan Reference FP790)

Exempt report of the Executive Director (Housing and Communities) on the award of contract for the demolition and build of this redevelopment scheme.



Exempt report of the Executive Director (Housing and Communities) on the award of contract for the demolition and build of this redevelopment scheme.


(1)          The Decision Taken




That the Affordable Housing Programme Procurement Board recommendation that the contract for the demolition of sixteen council owned bedsits and build of sixteen one bed flats at Northdown Road, Hatfield be awarded to Taylor French Developments Ltd  (Taylor French) as detailed in the exempt report be approved.


(2)          Reasons for the Decision


The Cabinet previously agreed a selection process for  building contractors for direct construction of new affordable homes for the Council and to use suitable Council owned sites for the purpose with the new homes being owned and managed by the Council.


(Note: There were no declarations of interest by a Member(s) in respect of the matter decided).