Issue - meetings

FP791 Lift Refurbishment Sheltered Housing

Meeting: 07/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 149)

Lift Refurbishment - Sheltered Housing (Forward Plan Reference FP791)

Exempt report of the Executive Director (Housing and Communities) on the award of contract for this work.


Exempt report of the Executive Director (Housing and Communities) on the award of contract for the refurbishment of four lifts in sheltered housing schemes.


(1)          The Decision Taken




That the contract for the refurbishment of four lifts in three sheltered housing schemes be awarded to The Terry Group Limited as detailed in the exempt report.


(2)          Reasons for the Decision


Due to four lifts in three sheltered accommodations schemes showing considerable signs of wear and tear and being subject to frequent breakdowns, a refurbishment was required.


A procurement had been undertaken in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules.  Out of the fifteen bids received, ten met the minimum criteria and were evaluated against a criteria of 60% price, 30% quality and 10% experience.


(Note:  There were no declarations of interest by a Member(s) in respect of the matter decided).