Issue - meetings

FP857 Water Hygiene Testing Communal Housing

Meeting: 10/07/2018 - Cabinet (Item 23)

Water Hygiene/Testing Communal Housing (Forward Plan Reference FP857)

Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on the procurement process and award of contract for these services.


The Cabinet approved the contract award taking on board the comments of the leaseholder consultation exercise that would precede it in April/May 2018 as recommended by the Cabinet Housing Panel.


Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on the procurement process and award of contract for these services.


(1)        The Decision Taken




That the Cabinet approves the contract award as detailed in the exempt report taking on board the comments of the leaseholder consultation exercise as recommended by the Cabinet Housing Panel (Minute 10 refers).


(2)        Reasons for the Decision


The Council had an obligation to ensure that all cold water storage tanks and communal systems were free from Legionella Bacteria, and that they conformed to The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems L8 Regulations.


These obligations were complied with via a contractor carrying out these services on the Council’s behalf and details of the tender process to procure a new contract for these services was set out in the exempt report.