Issue - meetings

FP862 Stanborough Park North Development

Meeting: 05/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 15)

Stanborough Park North Development (Forward Plan Reference FP862)

Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on proposals for the re-development of the site.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet agreed in principle to the Stanborough Park North development.


Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on proposals for the re-development of the site.


(1)        The Decision Taken




(1)       That subject to planning application determination and the feedback following the publication of the open space notice, the Cabinet agree in principle with the Stanborough Park North development as outlined in the exempt report.


(2)       That the Cabinet agree the high level commercial terms as outlined in the exempt report and accept the risk that the Council might not receive much income above the fixed sum amount as highlighted in the exempt report.


(3)       That given these commercial terms would form the Heads of Terms for the lease, the Cabinet agree that delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services), in consultation with the Executive Member (Leisure, Culture and Communications) and the Executive Member (Resources), to agree the in principle terms of the lease.


(4)       That on agreement of the Heads of Terms in principle, the Cabinet agree to enter into the consultation as required under the statutory procedure for disposal of a public open space as outlined in the exempt report and a report be brought back to a future Cabinet meeting to consider any objections.


(5)       That the Cabinet agree to expand the terms of reference of the Splashlands Procurement Board to enable the group to monitor the progress of the project.


(6)       That the Cabinet agree to relocate the facility outlined in the exempt report as recommended by the Procurement Board.


(7)       That the Cabinet agree to give delegated authority to the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services), in consultation with the Chief Executive, Leader of the Council, Executive Member (Leisure, Culture and Communications) and Executive Member (Resources), to carry out the task as highlighted in the exempt report.


(2)        Reasons for the Decision


The Council used to operate an outdoor pool and lido complex known locally as “Splashlands” within the north side of Stanborough Park in Welwyn Garden City.  The site was formally closed in 1999 due to geological problems with the site and the costs to remedy these was considered to be too high at that time. 


Since the closure of Splashlands, the Council had been looking at the redevelopment opportunities at the Stanborough Park North site.  Subsequently, the high and low ropes adventure course was completed in 2013 managed commercially by a third party operator, Vertigo Adventures Ltd under a 10 year lease which commenced in June 2016.  The remaining part of the site was used as a public open space.


A soft market engagement event had been held in June 2017 to gain views from the market on how the former Splashlands site might be redeveloped to host a sustainable mix of new wet and dry leisure activities.