Issue - meetings

FP871 Footway Repair Contract

Meeting: 04/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 48)

Award of Footway Repair Contract (Forward Plan Reference FP871)

Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the procurement process and award of contract for this work.


A three year contract, with an optional one year extension was awarded to Henderson and Taylor (Public Works) Ltd commencing on 1 October 2018.


Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the procurement process and award of contract for this work.


(1)        The Decision Taken




That a three year contract with an optional one year extension be awarded to Henderson and Taylor (Public Works) Ltd commencing on 1 October 2018.


(2)        Reasons for the Decision


The Council had a duty to maintain the footways and hard surfaces that it owned and required a contractor to undertake planned and reactive repairs.


A tendering exercise had been undertaken and the results evaluated.