Issue - meetings

FP879 Homeless Reduction Act and Temporary Accommodation

Meeting: 04/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 41)

41 Homelessness Reduction Act and Temporary Accommodation Update (Forward Plan Reference FP879) pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on the impact of the Act and use of Government support grant.

Additional documents:


(1)       The increased demands placed on the housing needs team and the actions that were being undertaken to seek to reduce the reliance on bed and breakfast accommodation were noted.


(2)       The potential budget pressure which would continue to be assessed as part of the budget monitoring process was noted.


(3)       The recommendation to direct £120,000 of the flexible homeless support grant funding to Resolve, over a maximum of a three year period, subject to the successful implementation of the Night Shelter project, was approved. 



Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on the impact of the Act and use of Government support grant.


(1)        The Decision Taken




(1)     That the increased demands placed on the housing needs team and the actions that were being undertaken to seek to reduce the reliance on bed and breakfast accommodation be noted.


(2)     That the potential budget pressure which would continue to be assessed as part of the budget monitoring process be noted.


(3)     That the recommendation to direct £120,000 of the flexible homeless support grant funding to Resolve over a maximum of a three year period, subject to the successful implementation of the Night Shelter project, be approved. 


(2)        Reasons for the Decision


The Act which became law on 3 April 2018 introduced extended duties to homeless people and had led to a significant increase in workload for the housing options team. 


The report set out the position in relation to the number of families in temporary accommodation and the current reliance on bed and breakfast accommodation and associated costs, plus the measures being taken to reduce the use of bed and breakfast, including the use of the Government ring fenced flexible homeless support grant.