Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL8 6AE
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 4th June 2024 (previously circulated). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on the 4th June 2024 were agreed as a correct record. |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: No apologies for absence were received. |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME AND PETITIONS Up to thirty minutes will be made available for questions from members of the public on issues relating to the work of the Cabinet and to receive any petitions. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no public questions or petitions. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS BY MEMBERS To note declarations of Members’ disclosable pecuniary interests, non-disclosable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on the Agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Thorpe declared a pecuniary interest in Item 5 in relation to the shared prosperity fund. |
ACTIONS STATUS REPORT Report of the Executive Director (Finance and Transformation) on the status of actions agreed at the last Cabinet meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The action status report was noted. |
NOTIFICATION OF URGENT BUSINESS TO BE CONSIDERED UNDER ITEM 10 Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of urgent business to be discussed. |
ITEMS REQUIRING KEY DECISION To consider the following items for decision in the current Forward Plan:- Additional documents: Minutes: The following items were considered for decision from the Forward Plan: |
FP2027 Hatfield Town Centre Public Spaces Protection Orders Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION TAKEN: Cabinet: a) Noted the evidence of ongoing anti-social behaviour and its impact on the locations; b) Noted the results of the public consultation; c) Approved the extension of the Hatfield Town Centre PSPO in the proposed area for a further 3 years.
REASON FOR DECISION: The existing Hatfield Town Centre PSPO will expire at the end of the month. Following consultation the existing PSPO will be extended to include Strockbreach Road and French Horn Lane deal with anti-social behaviour. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the approval of the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to be extended in Hatfield Town Centre.
A Member queried how effective the PSPO would be. The Cabinet Member for Environment confirmed that enforcement was primarily carried out by the police and the Council will continue to support the police with this.
DECISION TAKEN: Cabinet: a) Noted the evidence of ongoing anti-social behaviour and its impact on the locations; b) Noted the results of the public consultation; c) Approved the extension of the Hatfield Town Centre PSPO in the proposed area for a further 3 years.
REASON FOR DECISION: The existing Hatfield Town Centre PSPO will expire at the end of the month. Following consultation the existing PSPO will be extended to include Strockbreach Road and French Horn Lane deal with anti-social behaviour. |
FP2065 Council Productivity Plan Appendix B of the report will be circulated as to follow. Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION TAKEN: Cabinet endorsed the Productivity Plan, and delegated authority to the Leader of the Council to make any changes required prior to its submission to Government.
REASON FOR DECISION: In the Final Local Government Finance Settlement 2024/25, dated 5 February 2024, the Government set out its expectation that Local Authorities would be required to set out and share productivity plans.
The Council already had clear transformation plans in place for service change and improvement, and strategies for delivering sustainable budgets as set out in its medium-term financial strategy. The productivity plan contains details of the plans and strategies already in place. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the Council’s Productivity Plan. Members endorsed the Council’s response produced and noted it was unclear whether the new Government would still require these.
DECISION TAKEN: Cabinet endorsed the Productivity Plan, and delegated authority to the Leader of the Council to make any changes required prior to its submission to Government.
REASON FOR DECISION: In the Final Local Government Finance Settlement 2024/25, dated 5 February 2024, the Government set out its expectation that Local Authorities would be required to set out and share productivity plans.
The Council already had clear transformation plans in place for service change and improvement, and strategies for delivering sustainable budgets as set out in its medium-term financial strategy. The productivity plan contains details of the plans and strategies already in place. |
FP2049 Minister House General Fund Appropriation Additional documents: Decision: DECISION TAKEN: Cabinet approved the appropriation of land from the General Fund to the HRA at a value of £215k.
REASON FOR DECISION: The redevelopment of Minister House was delivered as part of the Council's Affordable Housing Programme and had provided much needed high-quality homes in Hatfield. As part of this project, a new substation was required to be built to serve the development. The land on which the substation had been built forms part of the Council's General Fund, as that land is no longer required for its previous purpose, and will remain the site of the new substation, the land is required to be appropriated from the General Fund to the council's housing revenue accounts.
The market value for this transfer has been agreed and approved by the Section 1 5 1 Officer, and this decision will ensure that lead is the land is held in the appropriate accounts. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the appropriation of land – Minister House.
DECISION TAKEN: Cabinet approved the appropriation of land from the General Fund to the HRA at a value of £215k.
REASON FOR DECISION: The redevelopment of Minister House was delivered as part of the Council's Affordable Housing Programme and had provided much needed high-quality homes in Hatfield. As part of this project, a new substation was required to be built to serve the development. The land on which the substation had been built forms part of the Council's General Fund, as that land is no longer required for its previous purpose, and will remain the site of the new substation, the land is required to be appropriated from the General Fund to the council's housing revenue accounts.
The market value for this transfer has been agreed and approved by the Section 1 5 1 Officer, and this decision will ensure that lead is the land is held in the appropriate accounts. |
FP2063 - Howard House Refurbishment Additional documents: Decision: DECISION TAKEN: Cabinet agreed that the pre-contract services agreement for the development of Howard House was awarded to Equans Regeneration Limited.
REASON FOR DECISION: A tendering process took place with regard to the establishment of Howard House in Welwyn Garden City. There were 6 bidders, Howard House is a complex building in terms of ownership and responsibilities. The report asked for approval to the award for a pre-contract agreement to Equans for the design of a extensive works and to determine costings. Once a design and costings have been to determined, there will be another Cabinet report towards design and build for the refurbishments Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the pre-contract agreement for Howard House.
DECISION TAKEN: Cabinet agreed that the pre-contract services agreement for the development of Howard House was awarded to Equans Regeneration Limited.
REASON FOR DECISION: A tendering process took place with regard to the establishment of Howard House in Welwyn Garden City. There were 6 bidders, Howard House is a complex building in terms of ownership and responsibilities. The report asked for approval to the award for a pre-contract agreement to Equans for the design of a extensive works and to determine costings. Once a design and costings have been to determined, there will be another Cabinet report towards design and build for the refurbishments |
Cabinet noted the evidence of ongoing anti-social behaviour and its impact on the location, and the results of the public consultation which supported the introduction of a PSPO.
Cabinet approved the introduction of a PSPO within the proposed area for a period of 3 years commencing on 31st July 2024.
REASON FOR DECISION: The area of Highview (Hatfield) had been experiencing an increase in anti-social behaviour and residents and businesses in the area had raised concerns.
Following a consultation, the feedback showed there was support for a PSPO for the area.
The Council would always aim to help those in need and the PSPO was to be put in place to ensure residents safety. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the approval of a PSPO for the Highview are in Hatfield.
It was highlighted that the area had mixed purposes as a residential and retail area. There was a need for police support in the area to resolve the issues to ensure residents feel safe in the area.
Cabinet noted the evidence of ongoing anti-social behaviour and its impact on the location, and the results of the public consultation which supported the introduction of a PSPO.
Cabinet approved the introduction of a PSPO within the proposed area for a period of 3 years commencing on 31st July 2024.
REASON FOR DECISION: The area of Highview (Hatfield) had been experiencing an increase in anti-social behaviour and residents and businesses in the area had raised concerns.
Following a consultation, the feedback showed there was support for a PSPO for the area.
The Council would always aim to help those in need and the PSPO was to be put in place to ensure residents safety. |
REVIEW OF THE TENANCY STRATEGY AND TENANCY POLICY Report of the Executive Director (Resident Services and Climate Change) Additional documents:
Cabinet recommended the Policy and Strategy to Full Council for approval.
REASON FOR DECISION: The Tenancy Strategy set out the Council's commitment as a provider of social housing for the provision of high quality housing, thriving neighbourhoods and sustainable communities and expected approach towards tenancies.
The Council were required to consult with registered providers such as Housing associations, as they are required in law to have regard to the strategy.
The consultation took place from the 2nd February to the 1st March 2024 and included 19 registered providers in the borough and private landlords and agents as well as the Residents Panel. Responses were received from 7 registered providers with stock levels of between 25 and 700 properties locally. All of them were in support of the tenancy strategy and the move to ending the use of flexible fixed term tenancies.
100% of the registered providers use assured lifetime tenancies and 43% currently offer flexible fixed term tenancies, although of these, 50% intend to stop using them in the next five years.
Cabinet approved the ending of fixed term tenancies last year, so all tenants would have lifetime secure tenancies. The tenancy policy sets out the Council's approach to tenancy and their management. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on the review of the Council’s Tenancy Strategy and Tenancy Policy.
A member felt that the move to lifetime tenancies was fundamental to improve the lives of residents and tenants, and provide them with stability.
Cabinet recommended the Policy and Strategy to Full Council for approval.
REASON FOR DECISION: The Tenancy Strategy set out the Council's commitment as a provider of social housing for the provision of high quality housing, thriving neighbourhoods and sustainable communities and expected approach towards tenancies.
The Council were required to consult with registered providers such as Housing associations, as they are required in law to have regard to the strategy.
The consultation took place from the 2nd February to the 1st March 2024 and included 19 registered providers in the borough and private landlords and agents as well as the Residents Panel. Responses were received from 7 registered providers with stock levels of between 25 and 700 properties locally. All of them were in support of the tenancy strategy and the move to ending the use of flexible fixed term tenancies.
100% of the registered providers use assured lifetime tenancies and 43% currently offer flexible fixed term tenancies, although of these, 50% intend to stop using them in the next five years.
Cabinet approved the ending of fixed term tenancies last year, so all tenants would have lifetime secure tenancies. The tenancy policy sets out the Council's approach to tenancy and their management. |
Annual Report 2023 - 2024 Annual Report will follow. Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet received a report on introducing the Council’s Annual Report for 2023/24.
Cabinet felt that the report was an excellent document and highly informative to the boroughs residents.
The Cabinet noted the Council’s Annual Report.
REASON FOR DECISION: The Annual Report provides a snapshot of the achievements and how the budget had been balanced for 2023/24. The report provided some key service statistics and summaries of the key project achievements and community events and initiatives from 2023/24. Minutes: Cabinet received a report on introducing the Council’s Annual Report for 2023/24.
Cabinet felt that the report was an excellent document and highly informative to the boroughs residents.
The Cabinet noted the Council’s Annual Report.
REASON FOR DECISION: The Annual Report provides a snapshot of the achievements and how the budget had been balanced for 2023/24. The report provided some key service statistics and summaries of the key project achievements and community events and initiatives from 2023/24. |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The Cabinet is asked to resolve:
That under Section 100(A)(2) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be now excluded from the meeting for Item XX on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of confidential or exempt information as defined in Section 100(A)(3) and Paragraph 3 (private financial or business information) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act (as amended).
In resolving to exclude the public in respect of the exempt information, it is considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet resolved that under Section 100(A)(2) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be now excluded from the meeting for Item 13 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of confidential or exempt information as defined in Section 100(A)(3) and Paragraph 3 (private financial or business information) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act (as amended). |
ITEMS OF AN EXEMPT NATURE REQUIRING KEY DECISION To consider the following item of an exempt nature:-
FP2063 - Howard House Refurbishment Minutes: Following the Part 2 discussions, the recommendations were agreed. |