Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Clair Francis
No. | Item |
MINUTES Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2022 were approved as a correct record by the Chair.
Following a briefing note sent by officers providing information and statistics relating to the temporary accommodation service, concern was raised that a family have been in temporary accommodation for over a year. Officers were asked why it has taken so long for them to be housed when the note says the average length is 146 days for those with children. Officers clarified that these are average figures, so there will be cases that are shorter and longer than the average length. Officers said they are happy to discuss individual cases outside of this meeting. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To note declarations of Members’ disclosable pecuniary interests, non-disclosable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on this Agenda. Minutes: Councillor F. Thomson declared a non-pecuniary interest in items on the agenda as appropriate by virtue of being a Member of Hertfordshire County Council. |
Report of the Service Director (Resident and Neighbourhood). Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Service Director (Resident and Neighbourhood) which proposes the introduction of a policy to outline how the council will deal with empty homes.
The recommendation is for the panel to review the draft policy with a view to a public consultation taking place. Although not a legal requirement to do so, it would be good practice to undertake a public consultation on the draft policy.
The Empty Homes Policy only relates to privately owned or privately rented homes and not social or council housing. There has not previously been an Empty Homes Policy as it was not considered necessary, but due to seeing an increase in empty properties there is a need for a policy to utilise certain enforcement powers like Empty Dwelling Management Orders.
As of December 2022, there were 961 empty properties in the borough; one third of which are second homes. Over 100 of the 961 homes have been empty for two or more years (this is about 20 more properties than in July 2022).
Empty properties are considered nationally as a wasted housing resource and can lead to issues with antisocial behaviour and detriment to the visual amenity of the neighbourhood. In most cases, the council work with owners to try to bring empty homes into use by negotiation and may only need to resort to formal action in a small number of cases where the properties are of concern.
If approved by the panel, then the council plan to undertake a consultation for one month. This will be advertised via the website, social media and through the PAL scheme. The consultation responses will be online, but residents would be able to request a hard copy of the consultation to complete and return if needed. Once the consultation is concluded officers will report back on the feedback, with recommendations.
The following points were raised and discussed:
UPDATE ON CURRENT AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAMME Presentation from Officers. Minutes: A presentation was provided by officers on the ongoing projects in the Affordable Housing Programme
The following points were raised and discussed:
RESOLVED (Unanimous)
Members noted the update and presentation.
PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR HOUSING Q2 (KPIs) PDF 72 KB Report of the Service Director (Property Maintenance and Climate Change). Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Service Director (Property Maintenance and Climate Change) setting out the housing performance indicators for Quarter 2.
The following points were raised and discussed:
RESOLVED (Unanimous)
Members noted the contents of the report.
Report of the Service Director (Property Maintenance and Climate Change).
Additional documents: Minutes: The Vice Chair highlighted the letter from the Regulator for Social Housing attached to the report. This letter advises they have removed the regulatory notice and thanked our Chief Executive and Service Manager (Housing Repairs and Building Safety) for their positive engagement. The Vice Chair paid particular thanks to the Service Manager for the huge amount of work he did to get the council to its current position, and noted it is now about maintaining that position. The Vice Chair also passed on her thanks to everybody involved.
The report of the Service Director (Property Maintenance and Climate Change) details how compliance has continued to improve. There are programmes moving forward to ensure the council stay on track with compliance. Officers will continue to update the panel on key performance indicators. The second part of the report is to brief the panel on new legislation that is coming out in terms of the Building Safety Act as well as fire regulations that came into force in January 2023.
Officers pointed out that on page 33 the council are looking to decommission Queensway House.
The following points were raised and discussed:
Members noted the contents of the report.
WORK PROGRAMME 2022/23 PDF 20 KB The pro-forma which sets out the Panel’s work programme has been updated since the last meeting to enable forward planning of items to be considered to take place. Minutes: The report tracker sets out the Panel’s work programme and details the items coming to the final meeting of the municipal year in March. As mentioned previously, the Cabinet Housing Panel meetings in 2023/24 have been scheduled so that performance data coming to these meetings will be more up to date.
Report of the Executive Director (Finance and Transformation). Minutes: Report of the Executive Director (Finance and Transformation).
This report presents members with an update on Now Housing Ltd, the councils wholly owned housing company. The paper was originally published as a part 2 paper due to the fact the tenants had not yet been written to, to consult with them, but as they have now all been written to, the paper has been moved to part 1. The recommendations made to Cabinet will be subject to the consultation responses of the tenants.
The company is struggling to find viable sites to increase the size of the existing stockholding of 12 units. Since its inception, there have been turbulent economic conditions and high inflationary pressures. This is particularly relevant for the company as significant increases have been seen in construction materials and labour costs. Whilst these costs have risen, the company is constrained to charging rents within the local housing allowance, which have not risen at the same rate. Overall, this means the gap between the costs of a scheme and the income generated have widened to extremely challenging levels. Unlike the council, the company is unable to plug any viability gaps by using restricted right to buy receipts.
In June 2022, a paper was presented to this panel which highlighted new legislation the government was proposing, in relation to council loans to companies. Based on the proposed changes the council would need to charge more to its revenue account, which it would need to seek to recoup from the company. Doing this would add further pressures to finding viable sites.
The company is currently making a loss and was not expected to be able to get to a profitable position until it had a stock holding of around 40 to 50 units. With the increasing challenges of finding viable sites which have arisen from factors that would not have been foreseen when the company was formed, the recommendation is to agree the exit strategy which will prevent losses from accumulating to significant levels.
The proposed exit strategy, supported by both the shareholder group and Now Housing Board of Directors, is that the council purchase back the block of 12 units. The tenants in the block are on fixed term tenancies and so would transfer to the council at the point of sale, and the council would seek to convert these tenancies to secure tenancies at social rent, in line with the rest of its housing stock and its rent and tenancy policies. The company will be able to apply to be struck off the register after a period of three months from the point of transfer of the block.
The following points were raised and discussed: