Agenda item


To consider the applications for Community Grants.


Members considered the report of the Director (Finance and Operations) which contained feedback for previous Grants awarded; four applications for small community grants and details of the remaining budget in 2016/17.


1st Northaw Scouts


An application for £2,000 had been received to be used as a contribution the work needed to move the two detached buildings to the rear of the main building which would improve the visual impact of the approach to the Scout HQ. 


During discussion Members expressed the view that they were in favour of the application however they did not wish to pre-empt any planning permission application or decision and that the balance of £1,200 for the project would be raised prior to release of the grant.


AGREED a Community Grant of £2,000 subject to the points raised above.



Dance Motion


An application had been received for £2,000to provide a week long dance school in Hatfield during the summer holidays.


Members discussed the application and considered that the application did not meet the Grants Board criteria and raised a number of concerns. 


Officers were asked to obtain answers to the following:


·         Where would the classes be held?  Does the venue have the required health and safety certification?

·         Where would the performance be held?

·         Are bank details and details of signatories available yet?

·         A copy of the constitution of the school would be required.

·         Is Ms Davis a paid staff member?

·         Did Ms Davis intend to teach the classes?  If so, would she be paid in the capacity of a teacher?

·         If Ms Davis was to be paid, had she obtained agreement for this from the Charity Commission?


AGREED that subject to satisfactory answers to the above queries and concerns, and evidence that the balance of the funding for the project could be raised in advance of its release, a grant of £2,000 would be paid.


Girlguiding WGC Guessens


An application had been received for the sum of £2,000 as a contribution to the redevelopment of the hut for which planning permission had been received.


Members noted that 80% of the funding had been raised for this project and they asked officers to obtain information on where this funding had been sourced.


AGREED that, subject to receiving the above information, a grant of £2,000 would be made.


Manna Food Bank


An application for £2,000 had been received from the Manna Food Bank as a contribution to salary costs, the purchase of food and part payment of rent.


Members commented that the applicant, who was a trustee of the charity, should not receive a salary and they asked for clarification on who the salary was to be paid to.


There were also some concerns that the bank account details had not been provided and they asked officers to obtain this information.  (It was noted that the meeting date had been brought forward, so shortening the time for submission of some documents in support of the application).


Members discussed food banks in general and there was some concern that they were a political tool, however, this was tempered with the recognition that they provided a service which not only gave food to those in need, but also toiletries.


Members stipulated that the grant, if given, should be used primarily for the purchase of food (£600), with the balance being used towards rent and salary.


AGREED that, subject to satisfactory responses to their questions and issues raised, a grant of £2,000 would be made.


It was noted that there would be £12,025 left in the budget if all of the grants listed were made.




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