Agenda item


The report of the Director (Finance and Operations) which provides Members with performance data for Finesse Leisure.


Members received a report which provided details of the work of Finesse Leisure during the period 1 January 2016 to 31 March 2016.


Once again it was noted that the budget gyms had impacted on the Hatfield Swim Centre and Leisure Centres resulting in a loss of income of approximately £120,000 over the financial year. A capital investment programme was being sought in order to improve the facilities at the Swim Centre and increase public usage.


The results at Panshanger Golf Complex were more encouraging with a reported increase in attendance of 5.5% over the previous year.


Stanborough Activity Centre had also shown a small increase in use in this quarter, which is usually its quietest trading period due to the weather.


Members were advised that new car parking arrangements were being introduced at Stanborough Activity Centre across both car parks which would allow for 24 hour charging, new time band pricing and more payment methods.


Parking for residents would remain at £1.50 per visit, any day for any amount of time if they had registered their details with Finesse Leisure.  Non-resident parking had been set to reflect the use of the park and other parking charges across the borough.


Information was provided on some of the special events and community activities that had been hosted within Stanborough Park.


Members commented that they were please to see that the cost of residents’ parking had not risen and that there was a 20 minute grace period for drop off and pick up from the park.


Finesse agreed to rectify  the issue of a confusing sign about parking at Stanborough.


A Member asked whether investment in new equipment would address the effect of the budget gyms or whether there was a point at which it was better to just accept that you could not compete.


Finesse replied that the investment would be on refurbishment as the facilities were looking dated and the environment was not always welcoming.  Work would also be done on reviewing the pricing model and efforts would be made to diversify the product to try and attract new customers.


A Member asked how much the income was being derived from Stanborough car parks.  He was advised that the annual figure was between £90,000 and £100,000.


A comment was made about the sign-up period for the gyms and whether a simpler system could be introduced as there were issues with gym members receiving legal threats. 


Finesse advised that the agency operating the DD system followed industry best practice and it was understood that the system they used was a fair process.


It was also noted that various types of membership packages were being considered such as Family and Low Use.  A current package allowed children to be added on for £10 per month.


Finesse advised that consideration would be given to extending site opening hours and to opening more on Bank Holidays.


NOTED the report and the work of Finesse Leisure during the period 1 January 2016 to 31 March 2016.


Following the report, Members received a presentation (attached to these minutes) which provided them with information on the facilities and offer at Stanborough Activity Centrre both over 2015-16 and 2016-17.









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