Agenda item

The following motion has been submitted by Councillor G.Hayes and was seconded by Councillor K.Thorpe:-


“This Council notes that there is a nationwide shortage of Accessible homes and homes suitable for adaption.


This Council also notes that in the recently published “Planning for the future” white paper, there is no mention of the needs of disabled people or the need to providing homes suitable for an ageing population.


In light of this this Council resolves:


   To carry out research to determine how much Accessible housing is needed in Welwyn Hatfield.

   For the Equalities Lead Officer to work with the Head of Planning and review our planning policies focusing on a need for Accessible/adaptable homes and take their recommendations to CPPP.

   And for the Leader of the Council to write to the Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick MP to remind him of the need for Accessible housing due to a nationwide shortage and that if the Government is truly committed to planning for good living environments, it must include a plan for the needs of the disabled and elderly into the "Planning for the future" paper and any other planning papers in the future..”


It was moved and seconded by Councillors G.Hayes and K.Thorpe that the motion be approved.


It was then moved and seconded by Councillors T.Kingsbury and N.Pace that the motion be amended as follows:-


“This Council notes that there is a nationwide shortage of Accessible homes and homes suitable for adaption.


This Council also notes that in the recently published “Planning for the future” white paper, there is no mention of the needs of disabled people or the need to providing homes suitable for an ageing population,however the consultation paper ‘Raising Accessibility Standards for New Homes’ does.


In light of this this Council resolves:


   To bring a report to CPPP or CHP, as appropriate, detailing carry out research to determine how much Accessible housing the Council believes is needed in Welwyn Hatfield.

   For the Equalities Lead Officer to work with the Head of Planning and review our planning policies focusing on a need for Accessible/adaptable homes and take their recommendations to CPPP.

   And for the Leader of the Council to write to the Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick MP to highlight toremind him off the need for Accessible housing due to a nationwide shortage and that if the Government is truly committed to planning for good living environments, it should must include a plan for the needs of the disabled,and elderly and other people in need of specialist support into the "Planning for the future" paper and any other planning papers in the future.”


On being put to the meeting there voted:-


The amendment was carried UNANIMOUSLY.


The Motion, as amended, was then put to the meeting and there voted:-


“This Council notes that there is a nationwide shortage of Accessible homes and homes suitable for adaption.


This Council also notes that in the recently published “Planning for the future” white paper, there is no mention of the needs of disabled people or the need to providing homes suitable for an ageing population, however the consultation paper ‘Raising Accessibility Standards for New Homes’ does.


In light of this this Council resolves:



   To bring a report to CPPP or CHP, as appropriate, detailing how much Accessible housing the Council believes is needed in Welwyn Hatfield.

   For the Equalities Lead Officer to work with the Head of Planning and review our planning policies focusing on a need for Accessible/adaptable homes and take their recommendations to CPPP.

   And for the Leader of the Council to write to the Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick MP to highlight to him the need for Accessible housing due to a nationwide shortage and that if the Government is truly committed to planning for good living environments, it should include a plan for the needs of the disabled, elderly and other people in need of specialist support into the "Planning for the future" paper and any other planning papers in the future.”


The Motion, as amended, was declared CARRIED.