Agenda item


Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on the revised Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy 2021 and seek authority to consult on the draft, prior to a final version being approved.


Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) on the revised Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy 2021 and to seek authority to consult on the draft, prior to a final version of the policy being presented back to Cabinet Housing Panel for recommendation to Cabinet to be approved.


The aim of the Housing Assistance policy was to ensure that residents in Welwyn Hatfield who qualify receive the necessary assistance to ‘help them live in their own homes, safely and with dignity with the right adaptation when they need it’. The policy was in two parts: Firstly, Mandatory Disabled Facilities Grants – this set out the mandatory legal framework including eligibility criteria and the prescribed means test assessment. Secondly, Discretionary Assistance – this sets discretionary interventions to promote independent living and wellbeing set locally by the Council.


The following points were raised and discussed:


·         The updated policy would widen the scope of assistance that is available to disabled people within the Borough, but also update the availability to be in line with the current Government guidance on how grant funding can be used across the Borough.

·         The primary assistance that the Council does deliver at present is through the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG). This is an activity that was funded through grants received by Hertfordshire County Council from the Better Care Fund (BCF).  These grants can only be used in the private sector and the Council are looking at adopting a more discretionary approach.

·         The new policy consolidates, simplifies and broadens the scope of the assistance that can be provided to residents within the Borough to adapt their homes within the private sector.

·         Members were pleased with the report and were encouraged by the scope of it.

·         Members asked who would be consulted. It was confirmed that the general public would be consulted, as well as the key stakeholders such as Hertfordshire County Council, Adult Care Services, Children Care Services, Age UK, Carers in Hertfordshire, Herts Ability and other relevant stakeholders.

·         Members asked about the discretionary assistance which set out the discretionary interventions to promote independent Iiving and wellbeing. Officers confirmed that the DFG was ring-fenced and could only be used in the private sector. The Council wanted to find alternate funding to provide discretionary functions that enable people to live in their homes independently but did not satisfy the requirements of the DFG. The Head of Housing Operations would look at the details of the discretionary assistance and will inform Members.

·         Members asked if there were staff who were part funded by the Council and dealt with hoarding. Officers confirmed that County had funded posts within the Council that provided tenancy support including tenancy sustainment. They dealt with some of the most vulnerable tenants and residents in the Borough. They look into hoarding as well as other areas such as child wellbeing and schooling.

·         Members asked about the local land charge and how it worked. Officers confirmed that with the DFG there were limited property charges. Any amount that was over £5,000 and up to the maximum of £10,000 was placed on the property as a limited charge for 10 years. If the grant recipient moved within that period, the Council would have the discretion to take it back and would take reasons for the move into account.





(1)  That subject to any comments received from Members of Cabinet Housing Panel, the 2021 Housing Assistance Policy would be published for public consultation via an Executive Member Decision Notice.


(2)  Members noted that subject to agreement of the recommendation in the report, a further report would be brought to Cabinet Housing Panel following the consultation, setting out the results and any proposed changes to the draft policy resulting from this, with a view to recommending this to Cabinet for approval.


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