Agenda item


Report of the Chief Executive on the review of the Parking Services Work Programme 2022-2024.


Report of the Chief Executive on the review of the Parking Services Work Programme 2022-2024.


Throughout the year, the Council would receive many requests for parking restrictions, and these would be recorded on the Parking Services Investigation List for consideration for a future Parking Work Programme. The Work Programme allows the Parking Services team to manage the expectations of the communities’ requesting restrictions and the associated workload demand of the team.


The current Work Programme, agreed by Cabinet on the 7 June 2018, addressed many requests made from several wards. The current works programme is still ongoing and parking proposals in some locations are yet to be finalised. These locations are Handside, Peartree, Ellenbrook, HighDells and Hilltop.


Up to the 6 August 2021 the Council had received a further 330 parking requests from the community in areas that are currently not on the Works Programme.


The proposed new works programme would consider Sherrards, Hollybush (North), Howlands (North), South and East Hatfield, Robin Hood Lane/ The Common and Pine Grove.  It was noted that the new works programme would not commence until the schemes on the current works programme have been completed.


During the debate the following points were raised and discussed:


   Members asked about item 3.6 of the report and expressed concerns that the response rate was relatively low, especially for the College Lane and Hazel Grove areas. Officers agreed to update Members on the response rate as a number of parking surveys had not been reached in the past.

   Members asked how the Council weighted responses. Officers confirmed that only one request or response was considered from any one property and that all requests and responses were treated equally regardless of the longevity of the resident or landlord that had provided it. 

   Members noted that Pine Gove in Brookmans Park had been included in the new proposed works Programme. It had previously been classified as a lesser priority and not included. Members noted that Chancellors School was located on Pine Grove, and then school had been expanding. It was noted that most of the students who attend the school resided in Hatfield and not Brookmans Park, which contributed to traffic and parking issues in the area, which caused a risk to students. 

   Members noted that a few schools were located on Woods Avenue, and that there had been incidents of children being injured from traffic accidents. Members asked whether Woods Avenue could be included in the works programme given the risk to students. Officers noted that it may be more appropriate for Hertfordshire County Council to lead on improvements given their role in ensuring safety on the Highways; but, there may be some small measures the Council could take to improve the situation.

   Members noted the choice of Howlands (North) and Hollybush (North). Officers remarked that there would always be merit in extending the areas being worked on to incorporating neighbouring sites, but this would need to be balanced against the limited resources and time available.

   Members discussed the cycle of surveys, consultations, work programme allocation and work completions, noting that it could take several years before a possible concern was addressed.  However, residents should continue to raise parking observations so that they could be logged and when appropriate considered for the work programme. Officers noted that safety issues would need to be considered by Hertfordshire County Council as the Highways Authority.

   Members noted that the Peartree consultation process was repeated given the low response rate. The consultation had now ended, and Officers were consolidating the results which will be published on the website soon.





(1)   The Panel recommended to Cabinet to approve the new Works Programme 2022-2024, as outlined in sections 3.11 and 3.13 of the report with the exception of Robin Hood Lane/The Common & Pine Grove. Officers were instructed to consider options for including Woods Avenue on the Parking Works Programme and to return to the Panel with options for its consideration and agreement.


(2)   The Panel recommended to Cabinet that delegated authority was given to Head of Environment in consultation with Executive Member for Resources to make minor adjustments to the programme as agreed, in order to assist with the delivery of Council’s corporate projects as and when required.

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