Agenda item


Report of the Head of Planning.


Report of the Head of Planning on the erection of a new 2.5 storey dwelling with vehicular access. The proposed dwelling would be of a neo-classical architectural style that would measure approximately 9.8m in height to the ridgeline, 16m in total width and 26.5m in overall depth. The new dwelling will have a footprint of around 284sqm and the 2.5 storey element of the building will be set back from the road by approximately 14m. The single storey linked garage will be approximately 5.1m to the ridge and will be located approximately 4.5m from the front boundary of the site. The single storey part of the building will be built on the western shared boundary with the host property (No. 38) and the upper storey element will be set in by approximately 2.6m. The dwelling would retain a distance of around 5.7-6.6m from the eastern side boundary to No. 36. The proposed gates will measure approximately 1.2m tall and the existing circa 2m high hedge along the front boundary is shown on the submitted plans as being retained.


The development would be served by a parking and turning area at the frontage and double garage.


The application was presented to the Development Management Committee because Northaw and Cuffley Parish Council have submitted a Major Objection.


Northaw and Cuffley Parish Council have submitted a Major Objection as follows: ‘The Parish Council Planning Sub-Committee met on 19th May 2021 and recommended that the Clerk under delegated authority submit a Major Objection on the basis that this property is located within the green belt and does not meet special circumstances for proposed development.’


Officers advised the Committee that in light of the recent CPPP meeting on the 13 January on the Local Plan, less weight should be given to the Emerging Local Plan. However, Officers were of the consideration that this would not affect the recommendations in the report.


Members stated that the objection was received because the site was within the greenbelt. However, officers emphasised that there is an exemption stated within Paragraph 149 (e) of the NPPF which permits limited filling in Green Belt villages and it was considered that in this case the proposals meet this particular exception. Members asked whether they should treat it like a planning application in a village as opposed to a planning application in the greenbelt.  Officers stated that yes they should consider it as a planning application within a village and the NPPF does mention the exception within villages in the greenbelt.


Members were concerned about the loss of trees on the property. Officers stated that there will be a loss of trees but have recommended a condition for landscaping to include replacement trees and shrub planning to mitigate the loss of these trees subject to the further consideration of the Landscape officer.


Members asked about a previous application in 2020 that was refused and what the size of the property was. Officers stated that there was no previous planning application on the site in relation to this, however Officers did acknowledge that paragraph 4.8 states that pre-application advice had been given.


Members asked about the ecological constraints, can these be conditioned? Officers stated that there was a condition imposed to ensure that the submitted documentation was followed.  The applicant had submitted a sound report on ecology and Herts ecology were content with this.


The Chair gave an overview of the main points raised throughout the discussion.


Following discussion, it was proposed and seconded by Councillors N. Pace and B. Fitzsimon and



            (13 in Favour, unanimous)


That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions proposed in the report.


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