Agenda item


Report of the Head of Planning.


Report of the Head of Planning on the removal of condition 4 (cycle only route) and variation of conditions 6 (noise scheme), 7 (electric charging points), 9 (assessable housing), 13 (integration with existing cycle facilities), 17 (parking), 19 (planting), 28 (arboriculture impact assessment report), 29 (energy strategy) and 30 (approved plans) on planning permission 6/2019/2430/MAJ.


Planning application reference number 6/2019/2430/MAJ for the Demolition of existing buildings and the erection 3 x buildings comprising of 71 x flats and 1,110 sqm of flexible commercial uses (use class: A1, A2, A3, A4, D1 & D2) (including a small office element (B1a)) and associated works to include car and bicycle parking, plant and refuse storage and public realm works had a resolution to grant planning permission subject to completion of a S106. This application was heard by Members on the 23/4/2020 and followed by completion of the S106 on the 3/2/2021.


The site (which is some 0.71 hectares in size) is located at the eastern end of Hatfield Town Centre, bounded to the east by Wellfield Road and Queensway. Much of the application site is currently vacant (following the demolition of the building at no. 1 Town Centre), although a two storey building currently exists at nos. 3 – 9 Town Centre. Pedestrian access runs through the site into the town centre from Wellfield Road, Queensway and the town beyond. The site is also occupied by an existing short stay public car park (the car park contains 74 spaces and is operated by the Borough Council) which is accessed from Kennelwood Lane.


The application was presented to the Development Management Committee because the Borough Council was the applicant.


As discussed under the committee report for Link Drive, Lovell have proposed to move all affordable housing units to this application site. Therefore, as both application sites are now linked through the affordable housing provision, they must both be presented side by side to the Development Management Committee.


Officers advised the Committee that in light of the recent CPPP meeting on the 13 January on the Local Plan, less weight should be given to the Emerging Local Plan. Officers were of the consideration that this would not affect the recommendations in the report as the applicant had started development on site. It would also be unreasonable to request additional affordable housing due to the stage of progression of the application.


Elizabeth Beighton, spoke as the agent, stated that the changes to the application were minor. The residential mix would not change under the current proposals. The changes to the scheme are driven by changes to the energy and ventilation strategy including a change from gas to electric heating as well as the desire to significantly improve the sustainability credentials of the development. Reduce its carbon footprint and performance from acoustic performance. These changes will ensure that the development meets the future emerging homes standards and also recognises the council’s declarations of a climate change emergency in the Borough. In respect of affordable housing, the scheme proposes changes to distribution only and not the overall level and it proposes the 38 units in both schemes and managed in one block at 1 Town Centre rather than across both sites. This had been discussed with and agreed by the Council’s housing team. 


Members were concerned about the affordable housing being in one block as Members would have preferred to have a mix of housing. Members asked what the cost benefit would be and how will it be easier to manage.   Officers stated that it would provide the Council’s housing department an ease of management to have all units in one block, which would save time and cost in comparison to having to cover social housing units located in two or more buildings.  This arrangement would also avoid the council housing team having to share the management of the communal areas with private landlords and homeowners which sometimes delayed decisions being made on works and improvements. Officers confirmed that this was a very standard approach that most affordable housing providers prefer and reiterated that the development as a whole would be mixed and that there would be no difference in the quality of the build or the building between those blocks used for private housing and those used for social housing.


Members asked how many affordable housing flats would there be? Officers confirmed that there will be a total of 38 affordable homes (18 allocated from the 1 Town Centre development, and a further 20 allocated from the Link Drive development). It was confirmed that there will be shared ownership homes consisting of 1 bed and 2 bed flats.  Members asked what the policy was, and what was the view on having social housing all on one site rather than spreading it on different sites?  Officers stated that there was no policy requirement for mixing tenures in the 2005 Welwyn Hatfield District Plan. There is a policy in the emerging local plan which required proposals to demonstrate the mix of tenures types and provide evidence that the housing size and type would meet the local housing need and market demand.


Members wanted clarification on parking spaces and sought clarification on whether the parking spaces were intended for residents of the flats or solely for visitors, and would there be a need for a parking permits scheme? Officer stated that The Kennelwood Lane car park would be shared during the day between residents and visitors to the town centre, with the car park becoming solely for the use of residents at night time. The Highways Authority were content with this arrangement including the dual use of the car park. With regards to whether a parking permits scheme would be required, officers stated that this was something that could be discussed with the developer and added as an informative.  A decision on how the car park would best be managed could be decided at a later date with the involvement of relevant officers.


Members were concerned about the EV charging points and that it was too low. It was noted that the LGA recommended 20% active and 20% passive for electric cars. Members asked what the current policy requirements was for Welwyn Hatfield.   Officers stated that the current Hertfordshire policies do not state a specific figure on EV charging and did not differentiate between active and passive installations. Members noted that there were 2 active and 12 passive charging points in the proposed development.


The Chair gave an overview of the main points raised throughout the discussion.


Following discussion, it was proposed and seconded by Councillors R. Trigg and N. Pace and



            (11 in favour, 1 abstention, 1 against)


That planning permission be approved subject to the completion of a satisfactory deed of variation and the agreement of any necessary extensions to the statutory determination period to complete this agreement for.


An informative is to be added advising the applicant to consider how the car parking spaces allocated to residents in the Kennelwood Lane Car Park will be managed.

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