Report of the Head of Law and Administration on updates to the RIPA authorising Officers and Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) and to agree that the corporate RIPA policy is updated.
Members received a report of the Head of Law and Administration on updates to the RIPA authorising Officers and Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) and corporate RIPA policy.
The Council had powers to investigate a range of criminal offences and like all Local Authorities was able to utilise powers to undertake surveillance to assist with those investigations in certain prescribed circumstances.
As previously reported to Committee the use of these powers was governed by the requirements of law and the Council’s own policy. Powers cannot be used without the agreement of a designated “Authorising Officer” and the approval of a Magistrate. In all cases the powers can only be used to investigate a specified offence and must be shown to be necessary and proportionate to the circumstances.
It was necessary to update the change of Senior Responsible Officer, and the Standards Committee was asked to agree this update.
The main change:
Senior Responsible Officer
Amended to the Head of Law and Administration.
Removal of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance)
All other designations remain the same as in previous versions of the policy.
The following points were noted and discussed:
Standards Committee noted the changes detailed in the report and that any further changes would be circulated to members of the committee, after the amendments had been completed.
Supporting documents: