Agenda item


Report of the Head of Community and Housing Strategy detailing the applications for Small Community Grants.


Report of the Head of Community and Housing Strategy which detailed the applications received for Small Community Grants 2021/22 – Round Two.


£50,000 was available to be awarded for the 2021/22 financial year. Following Round One a total of £37,798 was available to be distributed in Round Two of the Small Community Grants 2021/22.


Eight applications had been received for consideration for Round Two of the Small Community Grants 2021/22 totalling £13,760.80. This was the last round of funding for this financial year.


17th Welwyn Garden City Ranger Unit - £401.80


The 17th Welwyn Garden City Ranger Unit was a Girlguiding group aged 14 – 17 years. The grant money would be used to pay for increase cost of hall hire and the increase in annual subscriptions to Girlguiding HQ. This would allow the organisation to continue to offer the girls good quality activities which were in keeping with the aims of Girlguiding, maintain their interest and develop their skills. 


The following points were noted:

·       Members felt the cause was worthwhile as the scout leaders volunteer and the work they do with the girls was great

·       Members were curious as to why they did not apply for more. Officers stated that sometimes groups do not apply for more if they cannot justify it and fear not receiving any grant.

·       Members asked if they could give more to which Officers replied yes.

·       Members agreed to cover the full cost of the application.


AGREED a grant of £770.00


Birchwood Trust - £2,000


The Birchwood Trust aims are to help relive poverty and provides various ways support to those in the community. The funding would be used to organise paid coach day trips for the families. The families that this organisation supports were low income and benefits with some unable to pay for their own day trips on holidays for their children. The organisation felt the coach trips would promote family well-being.


The following points were noted:

·       Members felt that the work the Trust did was good, and the money would be well spent.


AGREED a grant of £2,000.00


Bushin MMA Club - £1,500


The Club had provided support for young people with a diverse range of ethnicities, abilities and socioeconomic status all of whom benefitted from increased physical and mental health. The Club is seeking to upgrade old safety equipment and be able to supplement other items for club members.


The following points were noted:

·       Members liked that the group was local and was doing good work, notably for women’s safety


AGREED a grant of £1,500.00


Hertfordshire LTA (Tennis Centres) Ltd - £2,000


The community tennis programme aimed to engage with local children from a low socio-economic background who have difficulty accessing sporting provision outside of schools. This would allow the children an opportunity to improve their mental and physical health. The funding would be used for two coaches to run after school tennis sessions for 18 children aged 5 to 8 over a 40-week period.


The following points were noted:


AGREED a grant of £2,000.00 with condition,


1)    That Members be assured that there is interest as well as demand for this afterschool activity.


Platypus Swimming Club for the Handicapped - £1,775


The Platypus Swimming Club was a resource used by children and adults with a disability to participate in swimming sessions. These sessions were good for their physical and mental health. Funding would be used for a marketing and social media campaign to encourage former members who had not returned after the lockdowns, as well as attract new members. Furthermore, funds would be used to produce new club t-shirts with the new logo, a new club banner made and to replace club trophies.


The following points were noted:

·       Members debated the website creation inclusion but concluded that adverting was included in the proposal, and this could be expensive if the aim was to reach a wider audience.

·       Members felt that the organisation was meaningful.


AGREED a grant of £1,775.00


SPACE - £1,800


SPACE worked across Hertfordshire to relieve the needs of families and carers of children and young people diagnosed with Autism and/or ADHD and other related conditions through means of monthly parent/carer support groups, email/telephone, and face to face support. In addition, SPACE provided workshops, seminars, conferences, family social events and tailored activities for children. The funding would be used to provide a Parent/Carer Support Group in Welwyn which would run for 2 hours every month during term time equating to 9 sessions a year.


The following points were noted:

·       Members felt the group was worthwhile

·       Members appreciated that it was hard for parents and carers, and so wanted them to have enjoyment.


AGREED a grant of £1,800.00


Welwyn Rugby Football Club - £2,000


The Welwyn Rugby Football Club were upgrading their changing and showering facilities to be fit for purpose for all members. The number of changing rooms would increase from 4 to 6, each with their own shower. The funding would be used to add an accessible WC to the entrance foyer. 


The following points were noted:

·       Members felt the renovation project was important

·       Members questioned how much money they had given to the Club for this specific project

·       Members felt that the project was quite large and there was no information as to what stage they were at, and the small community grant was not suitable

·       Members felt that the project may not be the best use of public money




Welwyn Wheelers Cycling Club - £2,000


Welwyn Whelers Cycling Club is a premier cycling club in the South East of England and has an accreditation of a Club mark and British Cycling’s Go-ride status. The Club is based at Gosling Sports Park. The funding would be used to purchase additional crash barriers for the off road/MTB/cyclo-cross course and to purchase materials for an additional set of advance steps to more advanced riders to negotiate.


The following points were noted:

·       Members raised concern over using public funds to enhance the Gosling Sports facility

·       Members queried who had responsibility of maintaining and upgrading the facilities used

·       Members were assured that when this issue was raised before and confirmed that the responsibility did not lie with Gosling.

·       Members queried who would complete the works, the cycling club, or the leaseholder

·       Members stated that the Cycling Club would own the crash barriers.

·       Members were supportive of the Cycling Club due to the benefits for residents.


AGREED a grant of £2,000.00under conditions


1)    Members receive clarification on who has responsibility to maintain and update the leisure facility

2)    Members understand the lease agreement in place




That Small Grants should be paid as follows (out of the reminder budget of £37,798)


Small Grants

Amount sought (£)

Amount granted (£)

17th Welwyn Garden City Ranger Ltd



Birchwood Trust



Bushin MMA Club



Hertfordshire LTA (Tennis Centre) Ltd



Platypus Swimming Club for the Handicapped






Welwyn Rugby Football Club



Welwyn Wheelers







With two grants approved under condition, if those conditions were not met, the total paid would be: £9,845.00

Supporting documents: