Members received an update from officers on
the streetscene contract. The following
points were discussed:
- Urbaser
are the councils streetscene contractor. The contract started in
March 2020.
- Officers have proposed three
meetings at three weekly intervals, but this can be discussed.
- Members said a
number of streets in Hatfield and Hatfield Villages are yet
to be adopted, these areas have a high number of missed bins.
Members asked if officers could establish how many areas are yet to
be adopted by Hertfordshire County Council.
- Members asked officers to look at
the numbers of missed bins due to there being no access to the
- Members receive high contact from
residents for things other than missed bins, such as bins not being
returned properly; bins blocking the pavement; and paper recycling
trays going missing.
- Members asked if there could be more
put in place to help disabled residents with regards to bins being
returned properly.
- Members asked that officers look at
levels of complaints in certain roads to establish whether there is
a specific reason for those continued issues.
- Members asked that we look at
frequency of collections from recycling banks and asked if we can
find out how many trucks Urbaser use as
on occasions these banks are not emptied.
- Officers said that there are
contractual reviews to ensure residents receive a good service and
that penalties are included within the contract.
- Members said that rubbish in
Hatfield Villages is an issue particularly around student
accommodation and asked if officers could inform residents, by a
leaflet drop and/or speaking with the university.
- Members asked whether recycling can
be extended to flats. Officers said within the contract there is
scope to include more flats. Officers are working on a pilot with
Urbaser to look at enhancing recycling
across some flats as it is currently not consistent across the
borough. Once the new waste strategy is published there may be some
funding available to pay for any service change at that stage.
Officers will use this pilot to see what works.
- Members said there are currently no
plastic recycling opportunities in flats and asked if it is
possible to extend the trial for plastics. Officers confirmed they
are looking at trialling plastics at some sites.
- Members asked that the trial uses
some older blocks as these may be more difficult to service.
- Members said we should be inviting
residents to the scrutiny and have the portfolio holder
- Members asked why there aren’t
waste bins next to every bus stop and wondered if some of the
street cleansing issues are due to there not being enough litter
- Members said there is no recycling
in WGC town centre, and as everything is put in one bin this could
be the reason for rats in the town centre.
- Members said a
number of residents have asked about cage days. Officers
said this would sit outside the scope of this scrutiny and is not
something that is within the Urbaser
contract and is normally initiated by other services.
At the conclusion of the discussion, members
were asked to confirm agreement of the scope for the T&F panel,
which would report back to OSC in January 2023.
RESOLVED (unanimously)
Members confirmed agreement of the scope for Streetscene, and for a
T&F Panel to be set up.
That the Committee appoint a chair to the Streetscene T&F Panel
via Teams, with nominations of members for the panel to follow.