Agenda item


Report of the Executive Director (Finance and Transformation) on the Performance Report for Quarter One for the year 2022/23.


Report of the Executive Director (Finance and Transformation) on the Performance Report for Housing for Quarter One for the year 2022/23.


It provided a summary of the strategic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and comments about performance by exception. The KPIs are monitored quarterly by the Strategic Management Team and Cabinet members at the council’s performance clinic meetings.


It was noted that the KPIs for Housing Compliance had not been included as they were reported separately on the agenda.


The following points were raised and discussed:


·       Members asked about BPI 29 - number of households living in temporary accommodation, in particular the maximum time that they are expected to stay in temporary accommodation until they get re-housed. Officers said there is no fixed or guaranteed timescale for how long someone could stay in temporary accommodation, it comes down to their individual circumstances and the size of the unit that they are staying in. Officers said they will circulate information after the meeting on the average waiting time from the past 12 months, including the average size of those households.

·       Members noted the KPIs say ‘we are also experiencing an increase in the number of reviews that are requested’. Officers clarified that at any point anybody can ask for their case to be reviewed, a service manager or team leader would then review the steps that have been taken so far and consider if anything needs to be done differently.

·       Members asked what measures are being put in place to improve this. Officers stated that the managers in those respective teams are always looking at ways in which they can improve their processes and to link up with private sector properties or Registered Social Landlords (RSL) so they can move people on from temporary accommodation as quickly as possible.  Officers said they can provide more detailed feedback on the measures after the meeting.

·       Members asked about BPI 63, about targets not being achieved because of staff turnover and increase in caseload. Officers said that the team managers have been working hard with the new recruits to embed them into the team and give them the support they need so they are able to start dealing with cases and help the team as much as possible.

·       Members asked about BPI 89 regarding rough sleepers where it says that some people are refusing assistance and we are exploring more options in terms of self-contained accommodation. Officers stated that in terms of the emergency offer of accommodation, the majority tends to be shared accommodation rather than self-contained. Service managers have been liaising with other third parties to see whether there are other organisations that could provide a limited offer of individual accommodation to people who have that requirement.

·       Members asked about BPI 30 and the number of private sector homes significantly improved following an intervention and if there has been any improvement on what communication or support the council are giving. Officers said fewer cases have come through for intervention to the Private Sector Housing Team but also the team had been dealing with a couple of big cases that have gone to tribunal, and they are also doing inspections for homes for Ukraine families, therefore resources have been diverted, resulting in a reduction in the number of interventions but will be looking to improve upon that position next quarter.

·       Members asked where most of the referrals came through. Officers said this is mostly from tenants themselves, but the council might also get referrals or complaints from Councillors, Citizens Advice Bureau, other departments that have come across referrals or other partners that have come across poor conditions in private rented accommodation. The Chair stated that the council had the Partnership Accreditation for Landlords (PAL) system.

·       Members asked about the timeliness of the KPIs. The Chair stated that owing to the scheduling of the last Cabinet Housing Panel meeting, the quarter one performance data was not available to be brought to the meeting. Next year's Cabinet Housing Panel meetings will be in line with the Performance Reporting timetable.





The Panel noted the contents of the report.

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