Agenda item


Report of the Assistant Director (Planning).


Report of the Assistant Director (Planning) on the erection of a proposed new bungalow and associated infrastructure.


This application is presented to Development Management Committee because the applicant is a member of the Borough Council.


The application site comprises part of the rear garden of No. 8 Tanglewood which is a detached bungalow that benefits from a larger than average plot in the area. Tanglewood comprises detached properties that are sited fairly centrally in their plots and feature different architectural styles and materials. The site itself is well screened by trees, vegetation, and fences at boundaries.


The proposal seeks to subdivide the plot and erect a new bungalow with a car port. The development would be accessed by an existing vehicle crossover which will be reinstated.


In this instance there were no representations received from neighbours or the Parish Council. The site is located within the settlement of Oaklands in Welwyn within an established residential area. The site is within reasonable walking distance (around 650 metres) of a small range of local shops, there is also a bus route approximately 800 metres away, so it is therefore considered to be situated in a reasonably sustainable location.


The proposed dwelling would be single storey in height and comprise of a simple hipped roof, with modest front projection, which reflects the character of the area. The dwelling would be sufficiently set back from the parent building and from the road, and therefore it would not appear unduly prominent in the streetscene. Subject to a condition requiring further details of external materials, it is considered that the development would represent an acceptable standard of design.


In terms of layout, although the introduction of another property would reduce the spacing on site to proportion of amenity space, the built form would not result in a cramped form of development. The proposed site area would be smaller than that of the immediately adjoining bungalows, however, it would be larger than that of the terraced properties approved in 2015 along Turpins Chase. The proposal would therefore not be considered out of keeping with other plots in the locality.


The proposed floor space would exceed the space standards for a 2-bed dwelling, and the proposed garden area would be sufficient in size to meet the needs of the future occupiers. A 1.8-metre-tall, boarded fence will be provided to afford additional privacy between the dwellings, which can be secured by condition.


There will be space within the car port and driveway for the parking of two vehicles, which is sufficient for the size of the development. No concerns were raised by Highways to the proposed access arrangement or visibility splays.


The proposal would result in the loss of two trees and some hedging, however none of them are protected by TPO, and the Tree Officer considers that the loss could be mitigated by replanting which can be secured by condition. Given the site's location within an established residential garden, ecology did not consider there to be any significant ecological issues. However, since trees and hedges would need to be removed to accommodate the new building, a condition is recommended to incorporate bat and bird boxes.


The proposal would have no significant adverse impact upon the character and appearance of the area. It is recommended that this application is approved by members.


Members discussed the application and a summary of the main points raised are shown below:


Members asked if there would be any provision of EV charging points. Officers said they have recommended a condition that full details of EV charging parking facilities be provided.


Following discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Pankit Shah and seconded by Councillor Nick Pace to approve the application.




(12 in favour, UNANIMOUS) R. Trigg recused himself for this item


That planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report.

Supporting documents: