Agenda item


Report of the Assistant Director (Planning).


Report of the Assistant Director (Planning) on the outline permission for the erection of one dwelling with all matters reserved.

This application was presented to the Development Management Committee as Northaw and Cuffley parish Council had submitted a Major Objection.

The application site is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt, and also within the village of Northaw. Vineyards Road is lined by residential properties to the south which taper away from the village centre, forming a pattern of ‘ribbon’ development

The application site is a private garden, belonging to Carramore House 50 Vineyards Road. The plot measures approximately 0.1865 hectares in area and is laid to lawn and contains a number of large mature trees.

The proposed dwelling would be situated between the residential plots of 48 (to the west) and Carramore House 50 Vineyards Road. No. 48 Vineyards Road is a two-storey detached dwelling and is separated from the application site by a dense, mature hedgerow. The land to the south of the site is open with vegetation and trees. To the north of the site, on the opposite side of the road is a protected woodland covered by a Tree Protection Order.

The application seeks outline planning permission for the erection of a detached house, with all matters reserved (layout, appearance, scale, landscaping and access) for future determination.

An illustrative layout, not forming part of the application, has indicated that the proposed dwelling would sit on a similar building line to its neighbours facing the street to form a continuous built-up frontage. The proposal would constitute limited infilling. It is considered that the proposal accords with the exception under paragraph 149 (e) of the NPPF and local policies and is not inappropriate development in the Green Belt.

Details of access to the new dwelling have not been confirmed but could be achieved either via the existing access, or by the formation of a new access. However, given this is an outline application, this is a matter which would be considered further at the reserved matters stage. The plot of land is considered to be of a sufficient size to accommodate adequate off-street parking.

Tim Waller, Applicant, spoke regarding the application.

He reiterated that the seeks to provide a family home with suitable sized private garden and sufficient parking. It would only use around a quarter of the very large garden belong to Carramore House in a gap within an otherwise built-up frontage within the village. He highlighted that the application accords with national policy relating to the Green Belt, being an infill plot within a village, and it's an appropriate form of development, it also accords with the relevant policy in the Councils emerging Local Plan. In fact, the officer’s report notes that this development would help to sustain local facilities, including the Primary School, which is both undersubscribed and located close to the site.

He clarified that despite suggestions that the oak tree at the site’s frontage would be removed, this would only be done if necessary due to its poor health. The tree appears to suffer from dry rot fungi, which is likely to limit its lifespan and possibly undermine its structure. However, the tree is clearly very attractive and has been there for some time, so if it's possible to retain it then it would be retained.

Eleanor Root, Objector, spoke against the application:

She emphasised how the number of objections received against the application speaks volumes as to what the local community think of this application and stated that she hoped that any Committee member unfamiliar with the site had looked at Google Maps and in particular the Street View along Vineyard's Road to gain a better understanding and perspective.

She highlighted the fact that the Hertfordshire Way, a walking route, comes out adjacent to 51 Vineyards Road. This is a very popular walking route and the view across the valley as seen between numbers 50 and 48 (where the development is proposed) would be lost.

She stated that the officer’s report acknowledges the issue of conflict with relevant policies and the lack of guidance for certain aspects, thereby rendering much of the decision a matter of judgement.  Having all the matters reserved is clearly part of a strategy that will be ongoing for several years and particularly affect 48 Vineyard's Road.

Councillor George Michaelides, Ward Member, spoke against the application.

He read out a statement from Northaw and Cuffley Parish Council which he endorsed.

The parish council object to the assertion that the application is a classic infill plot as the homes on Vineyards Road are all widely spaced. The application will go no way towards addressing the borough’s need for social or low-cost housing so in this instance, the housing shortage is irrelevant. Similar applications further along the road have been refused due to no special circumstances, negligible support to the local community and being visually intrusive. If similar applications are refused, there is no consistency in the fact that this application is recommended by officers for approval.

Members discussed the application, with officers clarifying various points where required.

It was clarified that this application is for a subdivided plot, differing from previous applications which were for permitted development.

Whilst an application may have a large volume of objectors, the committee needs to justify any decision based on underlying planning principles.

Councillors were reminded that the application in question is just for outline permission, with all other matters reserved.

Following discussion, it was proposed by Councillor A. Hellyer and seconded by Councillor J. Broach to approve the application.


            (10 in favour, 3 against)

That planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report.

Supporting documents: