Agenda item


Report of the Executive Director (Place) on the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.


Report of the Executive Director (Place) on the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.


A Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) sets out, in detail, required improvements in the active travel network in an area which would enable projects to be brought forward more quickly than would otherwise be the case, by providing evidence of need and having the principle of the improvements agreed in advance. It would also act as a ready-made evidence base for any funding opportunities. An LCWIP for both Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield is specifically identified in the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan, and over time will enable Hertfordshire County Council as highways authority to help deliver or facilitate an improved active travel network with a consequent increase in use.


Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIP’s) are a relatively recent development, being introduced by the Department for Transport in 2017. Their purpose is to set out, in detail, required improvements in the active travel network in an area which enables projects to be brought forward more quickly than would otherwise be the case, by providing evidence of need and having the improvements agreed in advance.


An LCWIP for Welwyn Hatfield has been led by Hertfordshire County Council, who have also provided the majority of the funding, though Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council have worked with the County Council on it, and provided a contribution of £10K from the Council’s Climate Change Fund.


LCWIP’s are being prepared across the county: one for Watford was completed and adopted in January 2022; St Albans and North Herts are due for completion shortly and others are underway. Undertaking Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans for both Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield is specifically identified in the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan.


The final document will be taken to Hertfordshire County Council’s Environment and Transport Panel on 31 January 2023 for adoption, so that it will become official policy. In order to demonstrate support at Borough Council level, the County Council have asked that Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council support the document to demonstrate local agreement, and to support the vison of implementing cycling and walking schemes across the Borough.


The following points were noted:


·         Members asked if the council already has funding or if the council are waiting for government grants. Officers are looking at first stages and seeing what might be funded. Opportunities through Section 106, developer contribution or through Department for Transport funding. The council are better placed to actually make an informed decision as to where money should be spent. One of the challenges with active travel infrastructure is that getting a really comprehensive network is quite difficult. 

·         It was noted that the next phase of work in the town centre is due to start in a couple of weeks which would extend the site way down Fretherne Road and put in new crossings across Howardsgate.   The intention is to look at the route, at the roundabout on Broadwater Road and Bessemer Road as soon as possible. Members stated that if it could be demonstrated to link into other roads for instance, the improvement of segregation along Broadwater Road would be good.

·         Members asked if there were any implications or consequences for planning policy that should be considered as this infrastructure develops or is it more specific to a network for Welwyn Hatfield.  Officers stated that this is something that is going to be proposed for adoption by Hertfordshire County Council so it will inform their deliberations on planning decisions. When planning applications come to their Highways officers, they are consulted on.  This will provide officers with evidence as to where the improvements should be funded to facilitate more active travel.





(1)    The Climate Change Panel noted the proposed final Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) document and the results of the consultation.


(2)    The Climate Change Panel recommended that Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council’s support for the final Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan document is agreed by the Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change using his delegated powers, to enable it to be used as an evidence base for delivery of future active travel schemes.

Supporting documents: