Agenda item


Report of the Service Manager (Asset Management, Building Repairs and Climate Change) on the Climate Change Strategy.


Report of the Service Manager (Asset Management, Building Repairs and Climate Change) on the Climate Change Strategy.


In 2019, Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, along with other local authorities, declared a climate emergency and set in motion a target to obtain an ambitious Carbon Neutral status by 2030.


The council devised a Climate Change Strategy which comprises of 5 key objectives which are:


1.  To reduce carbon emissions from our own estate and operations to net zero by 2030, or a justification for a later date if the review finds this unachievable.

2.  To comply with statutory obligations to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

3.  To work with, support, encourage and engage residents, communities, businesses and other partners in initiatives to reduce carbon emissions.

4.  To embed climate change mitigation and adaptation into our plans, strategies and policies.

5.  To reduce carbon emissions across the borough by promoting energy efficiency measures, sustainable construction, renewable energy, sustainable transport and behavioural change.


The updated strategy provides a higher level of detail which is in line with other organisations within the UK, this coupled with the Climate Action Plan (CAP) will allow WHBC to adopt a measurable approach to tackling the effects of Climate Change.


The following points were noted:


·         Members asked what metrics are going to be put against each of the strategic objectives so that the council can assess whether they are on its way to net zero. Officers stated the Service Manager for Climate Change is working on assessing the base lines, what the carbon position is at the moment as a council, and then will be developing targets around metrics.

·         Members said the update does not seem to be huge and not specific in terms of what the council wants to achieve with the strategy. Members said the action plan does have quite a few projects that have not been started and others ‘in progress’. Members thought it might be useful to have updates on progress at future meetings and explore them a bit more. For example looking at North and East council waste management, resident engagement strategy and the outcome of that might inform how the frequency of the Welwyn Hatfield waste collection could be.  Members also stated that some of the projects could be started now without a Climate Change Officer, for example the engagement work has been appointed to the Engagement Manager in the council. The Implement biodiversity net gain policy which sits with planning could perhaps get started.  Officers stated they understand the points made and will look at how to bring back updates and progress to the group for future meetings to provide members with assurance on how well the council is progressing.

·         Members said that looking through the list of actions, some had already been completed but there were some that say ‘not started’ such as the solar panels and charging points on EMS. Members thought maybe the plan was not finalised yet.

·         Members asked if the intention of the website was to encourage residents to inform themselves about what is happening in the borough, and suggested it lacked inspiration.  Members stated that on the Three Rivers website it was full of pictures and ideas. Members asked if there was a way of making the website more interactive with more pictures or videos. Officers stated they were developing the website and making it user friendly for residents. There were limitations on what can be put on the website. 

·         Members said that when it comes to receiving the data, it would be helpful to have them in visual format instead of a table with numbers, and while it does have all the information needed it would be better to have it presented in that way.  Officers stated they will note it and look into that.





The Climate Change Group were asked to comment on the strategy and recommend its adoption to Cabinet.

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