Agenda item


To elect the Mayor for the Municipal Year 2023/24.


The retiring Mayor will present the Civic Awards for 2023.


Nominations were invited for the election of the Mayor of the Borough of Welwyn Hatfield for the Municipal Year 2023/24.


It was moved and seconded by Councillors L. Chesterman and P. Zukowskyj that Councillor P.Shah be elected. The retiring Mayor then asked if there were any other nominations. No alternative nominations were received.




That Councillor P.Shah be elected Mayor of the Borough of Welwyn Hatfield for the Municipal Year 2023/24.


The retiring Mayor presented the Borough Civic Awards for 2023 in partnership with Urbaser and the University of Hertfordshire.


The retiring Mayor presented the Borough Civic Awards to the following people:


      Justin Burgess in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the Welwyn Hatfield community and JOCA charity.

      Rhianna Russell in recognition of the outstanding success she had achieved representing Welwyn & District Bowls Club and England

      Michael Nash in recognition of the work he had undertaken for 65 years to different Football Clubs in the Welwyn Hatfield Borough.


The retiring Mayor invited Mark Lancaster, Contract Manager, Welwyn Hatfield, Urbaser to present the Urbaser Environmental award to Sarah Marsh.  Sarah had been nominated for the award by her colleagues and the local community for her outstanding work designing and developing Danesbury Fernery.


The retiring Mayor invited G.Ward, Dean of Students, to present the University of Hertfordshire young person award to Julide Hasan who had made a fantastic contribution to pro bono work in the community as well as being a third-year student undertaking her final year of studies.  Julide had also worked in the University of Hertfordshire law clinic alongside studying for her law degree. Julide volunteered in the law clinic and enabled members of the public to obtain one off legal advice in a range of areas, including employment, family and housing law, working in pairs with a lawyer supervising them, much of the work requires students to be proactive, organising meetings, carrying out legal research and preparing documents.


The retiring Mayor, on behalf of Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, thanked both Urbaser and the University of Hertfordshire for their support as sponsors of the civic awards.


The retiring Mayor spoke about her time as Mayor of Welwyn Hatfield.


The retiring Mayor reported that she had raised ££22,000 for her charity, Welwyn Hatfield Women’s Refuge, during her year of office, The Mayor presented a cheque to representatives of her charity.


The retiring Mayor thanked Mr Fitzsimon for his continued support during days out and late evenings attending events and meetings.


The retiring Mayor thanked Councillor colleagues for their help and support over the last seven years, including attending Charity events.


The retiring Mayor thanked Councillor G.Ganney as her Deputy for her support during the year and presented her with a gift.


The retiring Mayor thanked S.Houghton, Member and Mayor Liaison Officer for her help during the year and presented her with a gift.


The retiring Mayor then vacated the Chair which was taken by Councillor P.Shah.


Councillor P.Shah made the formal Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Mayor.


The Mayor thanked Councillors L.Chesterman and P.Zukowskyj for nominating him and expressed that it will be an honour to serve the community as the Mayor of Welwyn Hatfield Borough.


The Mayor also thanked Barbara Fitzsimon for all of the excellent work she did during her time as Mayor. The Mayor presented her with the Past Mayor’s Medal and album of her time in office.


The Group Leaders expressed their thanks to the retiring Mayor for her service and dedication in her year as Mayor of the Borough.