Agenda item


Report of the Director (Finance and Operations) which presents the revenue, capital and HRA monitoring position as at the end of June 2016.


Members received a report from the Director (Finance and Operations) which provided them with the monitoring position of the revenue, capital and housing revenue account (HRA) budgets as at the end of June 2016 (month 3).


It was noted that the £24M in the HRA relating to the revaluation gain did not affect the bottom line as it showed in both parts of the operating account.


Members asked why there had been an increase in the HRA balance and it was explained that there had been funds carried forward as some of the schemes had not been completed as soon as anticipated.


Members asked how much was written off each year in uncollected debts.  Officers agreed to circulate this information.


It was noted that there was an amount outstanding of £12,900 in respect of car loans.  Tighter controls have been put into place to ensure collection of loans when an employee left the Council.


Officers agreed to provide more information regarding the garages in the General Fund and how this was impacted by the transfer between the Housing Trust and the Council.


Members asked for an explanation of what was involved in recharge work.  It was explained that a property would be repaired and then a claim would be made to the insurers.


It was noted that Serco had made savings of £129,000 which it was thought was commendable.


Members asked for information on the process for collecting debt.  It was explained that the process would be different for different types of debt but that there would be reminder letters prior to enforcement.  Sundry debt included such things as fees and charges, garage rents and other ad-hoc debts.  It was agreed that information could be provided in the reports of the debt write-off year to date.


Members asked for clarification of the phrase “alternative finance modelling” and they were advised that it was a County Council phrase for the distribution of money when landfill had reduced.


Members expressed concern about some of the figures reported for Campus West.  They were informed that the Campus West Cabinet Panel had been re-formed to monitor the work and Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee also received reports on a regular basis.


Several issues were raised and Members were advised to approach their group representative on either the Panel or Committee to raise them at those meetings.


Members asked about the current situation of Splashlands and were advised that there had been a Splashlands Board meeting in August 2016 and an update could be requested from the Board members.


It was agreed that details of the number of companies who had tendered for the bereavement services contract would be provided to Members.


It was agreed that where questions were raised at meetings which did not fall within the remit of the Committee, these would be highlighted by way of the Minutes so that answers could be provided by the right group.


It was also thought that members of the various Panels or Procurement Boards or on other Overview and Scrutiny Committees could update their Group members at their next group meeting.


This Committee had a particular issue with reporting lines as almost everything done by the Council had financial impacts.




That the final outturn reports be noted.


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