Agenda item


Report of the Assistant Director (Regeneration and Economic Development)



The Panel received the report of the Assistant Director (Regeneration and Economic Development) which set out the results of the statutory parking consultation pertaining to Pine Grove and the recommended course of action.


The following points were made during the discussion:

·       A Member wondered if a series of double yellow lines providing passing places was a good idea for Pine Grove given there was a school on the road, buses used it and some residents had issues about staff parking. Double yellow lines would make it less attractive for staff to park and would reduce the impact on public transport; this would not impact residents as they all had at least three parking spaces per house. Officers said they had considered this but did not feel it was an appropriate solution for the location; double yellow lines would prevent anyone from parking and would push traffic into the surrounding area. Double yellow lines in a section of the road had been proposed to allow free passage of vehicles as it was a public road and occasional parking should not cause significant issues. The Member felt it was important to consult carefully with the bus companies using the road when the scheme was reviewed and noted that residents parking in a way that prevented buses getting through needed to stop. Officers agreed they would speak with bus companies as part of the review.  

·       A Member noted that pressure points for parking were at the start and end of the school day and asked about the timing of officer visits. Officers confirmed there had been more visits than the photographs included in the report; while parking pressures were more acute at school drop off and pick up times, they had needed to find a solution that would work for all road users all of the time.

·       A Member commented that pinch points seemed to occur for only a couple of hours a day when the school was open. Officers advised the consultation had arisen due to residents’ complaints as they felt disadvantaged by parking at the school; the issue was not seen as major which was why a permit scheme was not being considered and double yellow lines at key locations were being recommended. While the double yellow lines would affect all road users, it was not felt they would detrimentally affect residents as the affected properties had off-road parking.

·       A Member reflected on the importance of enforcement and asked whether movable cameras could be used. Officers advised they were in discussion with Hertfordshire County Council to seek permission to place cameras on street furniture.

·       A Member noted residents had been concerned about school staff parking for the duration of the school day, reflecting that this impacted on residents driving to work. He welcomed the proposed solution which would allow traffic to flow, residents to leave for work and improve easy access to the school.  

·       The Chair commented that there had been strong views on all sides and the proposal demonstrated the Council had responded to feedback and found a compromise.



“The Borough of Welwyn Hatfield (Pine Grove, Brookmans Park) (Restriction of Waiting and Permit Zones) Order 2023”:


1.     Considered the objections raised in section 5 of the report, in addition to the issues raised in section 16 around equalities and diversity;

2.     Recommended to Cabinet to proceed with the creation of the amended traffic order to introduce restrictions as set out in Appendix D of the report; and

3.     Noted the delegated powers conferred on the Executive Member for Environment to sign an executive member decision to proceed with the creation of the traffic regulation order provisions as amended, subject to the unanimous recommendation of the Panel.    


“The Borough of Welwyn Hatfield (Pine Grove, Brookmans Park) (Prohibition of Stopping and Waiting on Verge and Footway) Order 2023”:

4.     Considered that no objections were received in relation to the proposal to prohibit verge and footway parking in addition to the issues raised in section 16 around equalities and diversity;

5.     Recommended to proceed with the creation of the traffic regulation order as set out in the report and;

6.     Noted the delegated powers conferred on the Executive Member for Environment to sign an executive member decision to proceed with the traffic regulation order provisions as advertised, subject to the unanimous recommendation of the Panel.    


Supporting documents: