Agenda item

FP2014 2024/2025 Budget and Council Tax Setting

To receive a report of the Executive Director, Finance and Transformation


The Cabinet received a report of the Executive Director (Finance and Transformation).  


During the discussion the following points were raised:

·        The Executive Member for Finance thanked the Executive Director for Finance and Transformation and his team for the work put into the proposals.

·        It was highlighted that a meeting of the Budget Task & Finish Group was needed prior to Special Cabinet

·        The Executive Member for Community raised concerns regarding local government funding and highlighted that Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council had had a 64% decrease in funding since 2010.





Cabinet agreed to:

a)     Note the recommendations set out in the Cabinet Report; and

b)     Approved the budget proposals, noting that any comments from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be brought back to the Special meeting of Cabinet on the 23rd January 2024.



The 2024/25 budget proposals and the updated medium-term financial forecasts have been produced to ensure that the Council maintains a sustainable financial position over the planning period to 2027/28.


The budget proposals will go for consideration by Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) on 16 January 2024. Recommendations made by OSC and any changes will be presented to Special Cabinet on 23 January 2024, in order to recommend the budget proposals to Council at its meeting on 5 February 2024. 


The Cabinet received a report of the Executive Director (Finance and Transformation).  


During the discussion the following points were raised:

·        The Executive Member for Finance thanked the Executive Director for Finance and Transformation and his team for the work put into the proposals.

·        It was highlighted that a meeting of the Budget Task & Finish Group was needed prior to Special Cabinet

·        The Executive Member for Community raised concerns regarding local government funding and highlighted that Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council had had a 64% decrease in funding since 2010.





Cabinet agreed to:

a)     Note the recommendations set out in the Cabinet Report; and

b)     Approved the budget proposals, noting that any comments from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be brought back to the Special meeting of Cabinet on the 23rd January 2024.



The 2024/25 budget proposals and the updated medium-term financial forecasts have been produced to ensure that the Council maintains a sustainable financial position over the planning period to 2027/28.


The budget proposals will go for consideration by Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) on 16 January 2024. Recommendations made by OSC and any changes will be presented to Special Cabinet on 23 January 2024, in order to recommend the budget proposals to Council at its meeting on 5 February 2024. 

Supporting documents: