Agenda item

6/2023/0894/FULL Unit 1 51 Welham Manor, Welham Green

Report of the Assistant Director (Planning).


The Committee received a report of the Assistant Director of Planning on Unit 1 51 Welham Manor Welham Green. The application was for the demolition of the existing low-quality buildings and erection of seven dwellings comprising one pair of semi-detached and five detached family homes with car parking, cycle and refuse storage and private amenity gardens. The proposal also includes communal amenity space and a pedestrian and cycle route which extends up to the south west boundary of the site. The proposed dwellings would be two and a half storeys in height with living accommodation situated within the roof. The development would utilise the existing access from Welham Manor. 


This application was presented to the Development Management Committee because the application had been called in by Councillor Paul Zukowskyj.


Bridget Miller addressed the Committee as the agent:

I'm Bridget Miller, a charted town planner representing the applicant. Accor obtained an interest in the site following the previous dismissed appeal. Your officers set out the many reasons for why planning permission should be granted, and I will draw on some key points.


Firstly, I’ll emphasise that the site is a housing allocation in the adopted Local Plan and comprises previously developed land that is no longer in the green belt. The Local Plan recognises the site would be put to better use to contribute to housing needs in the borough and the principle of development is established. Throughout last year, we engaged with planning officers and neighbouring residents to develop a high quality, architectural and landscape design. As the Committee report states, the scheme's design is supported by officers, as it enhances the area's visual character and connects with existing residential development in a respectful way. Neighbouring amenity is protected by the siting and orientation of the new houses.


The proposed 7 houses have private gardens as well as a shared open space that is centred on the retained good quality category A oak trees. There is nearly 400 square metres of outdoor space per unit and two parking spaces per unit plus visitor parking and electric vehicle charging.


Notable environmental enhancements include a 40% increase in landscaped green space, 18% biodiversity net gain, renewable energies for a 65% reduction in carbon emissions plus water efficiency and sustainable drainage measures. The scheme is acceptable on its own merits and in no way prejudices the site allocation to the south coming forward nor the access strategy that is envisaged for this larger allocation. In addition, condition 13 secures the provision of a pedestrian and cycle route to land at Station Road to enhance connectivity. The site is in walking distance to Welham Green station and bus stops. Vehicle trips associated with the new housing would be offset by the existing trips and the large vehicles that currently access the site for motor repair. All highways related matters, including access, have been deemed acceptable by the Highway Authority and likewise were acceptable in the determination of the previous appeal.


There have been no objections from the Highway Authority. Herts ecology, place services, the Environment Agency, Lead Local Flood Authority or Welwyn officers. The council is struggling with housing delivery and the proposal will deliver 7 family sized homes in the short term as this site is earmarked to do in the adopted Local Plan.


The proposal sustainability credentials go above and beyond policy educations, and it is respectfully requested that planning permission should be granted in accordance with your officer's recommendation.”


Members discussed the application and key points are summarised below:

·        A member felt the application was a substantial improvement on the previous application.

·        Officers clarified that as part of the submission there was contamination on the site which would ensure that any remediation works which are needed would be completed, are completed and reported back to the Council.

·        Members felt the site was imaginative and liked the design.

·        A member felt it was good to see family homes being brought to committee.

·        A member raised concerns about the fixed windows and bedrooms with obscure glazing. The officer was happy for this condition to be amended if required.

·        Officers clarified that a consultation with Natural England was envisioned for sites over 50 homes but as this site is 7 applications that had not be required. A member highlighted that the potential second development on the site would trigger a consultation with Natural England.

·        The developer would be required to deal with the hogweed as a condition for developing the site.




That the planning application be approved.


Supporting documents: