Agenda item



The Licensing Team Leader introduced the report. Section 349 of the Gambling Act 2005 required all licensing authorities to prepare and publish a statement of the principles that they proposed to apply in exercising their functions under the Act during the three-year period to which the policy applied; in this instance, the next period was from January 2025 to January 2028. The statement must be produced following consultation, which was deliberately wide to enable licensing authorities to consult with anyone who might be affected by or otherwise have an interest in the Licensing Authority Statement of Policy. The list of those who would be consulted was set out at Appendix B of the report and people would be encouraged to share the details with any interested parties.


The policy had been reviewed and updated to reflect changes made to the Gambling Commission’s guidance to licensing authorities which was last published in April 2021 and updated in April 2023, and a White Paper was due at some point in the future. The policy could be reviewed at any point in its lifetime so it could be revisited if there were to be major changes. The changes made to the current policy included additions, amendments and items removed from the updated guidance which were shown in red text in the draft policy       


The Welwyn Hatfield Statement of Licensing Policy aimed to set out in general terms what policy decisions the Council had taken to achieve the objectives of the Gambling Act and the policy set out the matters operators were expected to take into account when producing their risk assessments.


Officers had produced a local area profile which set out local risks as map overlays in a GIS format which included the position of cashpoints, schools etc. The maps were appendices to the local area profile; they were a standalone document to be read alongside the Gambling Statement and were meant to assist applicants wishing to site a gambling premises.


Once adopted, the policy statement would form part of the decision making process when determining applications for premises licences in respect of casinos, bingo betting, adult gaming centres and family entertainment centres. The policy would also be used by courts if they were asked to consider an appeal against a committee decision.


The policy statement followed a prescribed statutory format and would incorporate views from the consultation exercise. It was proposed that the consultation would run from 24 June 2024 to 13 September 2024 and any proposed changes would be brought back to the committee for approval.



The Committee approved the policy to go out for public consultation.

Supporting documents: