To receive a report of the Assistant Director (Planning).
The Development Management Committee received the application which sought outline planning permission for the sub-division of the site and erection of a 2-bedroom detached bungalow. The new plot created would have external dimensions of approximately 18m wide x 15m deep. The new dwelling would be sited behind the existing dwelling with frontage and vehicular access obtained from Puttocks Drive.
The application was brought to the Committee as Councillor Zukowskyj had called in the application due concerns regarding to access to the site during construction and back garden development.
Chris Georgiou, agent for the application, addressed the Committee as follows:
“The application presented to this committee is the subdivision of 26 Huggins Lane and the erection of a new bungalow at the rear. We recognise the importance of maintaining an appropriate form of development and having worked closely with the Planning Officer we have put forward a proposal which respects the existing pattern of development and the character of the immediate area. This proposal delivers a high quality two bedroom bungalow for the borough. The proposal draws on presidencies from the immediate area. Similar bungalows can be found on the Huggins Lane and Paddocks Lane. The overall design of the proposals is sympathetic and appropriate in scale. The materials have been carefully selected to ensure that the development sits comfortably within its settings and that it is in keeping with the immediate character of the area.
The proposal does not in any way cause harm to the amenity of neighbouring properties in terms of loss of light and privacy. The bungalow sits comfortably with an appropriately sized plot. The bungalow is well proportioned and offers a high standard of accommodation. It is believed that the layout is pragmatic and user-friendly. The layout has been designed to take into account modern day living and will provide future occupants with a sustainable development.
The development complies with all national technical housing standards. Furthermore, the development offers an functional and usable garden. It is considered that there will be acceptable to amenity for the new bungalow but also for the retained house at 26 Huggins Lane.
We have provided two parking spaces in line with local policy and will be accessed via a new double crossover. Concerns regarding visibility raised by the Highway Authority have been addressed and the vehicle to vehicle and pedestrian visibility displays are found acceptable.
The new bungalow has been provided with the appropriate refuse recycling and bike stores, and these are located to the side of the plot. There has been some suggestion from some local residents that the erection of this development would infringe access to Paddocks Lane and have an unacceptable level of disturbance to local residents.
In order to mitigate these concerns, the approval would include for a condition placing a requirement on the developer to provide a construction management plan which will outline a clear plan to avoid unreasonable impact on the safety and operation of the highways. It is our contention that the proposed development is not harmful to the character and appearance of the area and the amenity of the adjoining properties. We would therefore respectfully ask this Committee to support the proposal and grant planning permission for the development.”
Councillor Zukowskyj, ward councillor, addressed the Committee as follows:
“I brought this item to Committee because I thought it raised a particular issue around our parking policy, given that we've just approved a 2 storey house, with absolutely no parking provision whatsoever. I'm not particularly hopeful that that's going to be a having traction with this particular committee. I have to say I'm really quite disappointed that we've approved buildings with no parking provision whatsoever, and I think it sets a very dangerous precedent for developments going forward. How many houses with 0 parking are we willing to tolerate before we start to say no we have to provide parking provision.
The point here is that the officers reports, if you look at 9.29, says the application sites located within parking zone for parking standards require property with two bedrooms to provide 1.5 off road spaces. But it doesn't make clear is that the crossover removes an on-street parking place if it's only a single width wide. If the application, as you see it has a double crossover two spaces go, so the net gain in parking here is 0. That is not our policy, our policy says 1.5 off-road parking spaces So the officers interpretation of our policy is that is just the off road spaces. It does not take account of the loss of off road spaces that the vehicle crossover results in. We need to make a decision, I think tonight as to whether were we willing to accept just the off road spaces as matching policy or whether our policy should be the net change in parking spaces.
Personally, I would suggest it's the net change in parking spaces, in which case this application is not policy compliant.”
Officers confirmed the parking policy did not require the Development Management Committee to look at the net gain of parking space.
(8 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstain)
The planning permission be approved subject to planning conditions outlined in the report.
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