Agenda item


Report of the Head of Resources which presents the revenue and capital budget monitoring position as at the end of September 2016 (Period 6).


Members received a report which provided details of the revenue and capital monitoring position at 30 September 2016 (Period 6).


Members asked for future reports to include a table showing the variances in section 3 of the report.


The following questions were raised and answered:


            Q         How did the items in paragraph 6.3 equate to Appendix B15?


A          Appendix B15 showed the Corporate Project Budget which was now being used for various projects and therefore was showing as growth items and transfers.


Q         Why does the debtor system not include housing rents, council tax and business rates?


A          These other areas have their own debt collection procedures.


Q         When was the issue of the Gosling pension liability highlighted?


A          Officers agreed to report back with details of the reporting process for third party liabilities such as this.


Q         Was the amount shown for Weltach rents and service charges outstanding?


A          The figure shown was the total for the year for all tenants.


Q         How much of the Provision for Bad Debt becomes bad debt?


A          This information will be provided for 1415 and 15/16..

            It should be noted that the level of debt has reduced and therefore the provision has also been reduced.  The provision was set in anticipation of Universal Credit having a greater impact.


Q         Would the Housing Trust accounts be reported to this Committee in the future?


A          Should there be a decision that the Housing Trust will be taken in-house, then the accounts would be reported to this Committee.


Q         Could a list be provided of all instances for which the Council is guarantor for any other pension funds?  If the liability is not known then the amount will not show in the accounts.


A          This will be looked into and reported back to Committee.


Q         Could a thank you be passed on to the relevant officers for the work undertaken which has resulted in a reduction in utilities costs.  The gas in particular is especially pleasing.


A          The Procurement Manager will be advised of the comments of the Committee.


Q         What is meant by debt management expenses?


A          This is the cost of brokers for treasury management and the costs of investment.


Q         Where is the information regarding the costs for collecting bad debts?  Would it be possible to provide information regarding debt collection by the Housing Trust as the current scrutiny review of debt collection/enforcement tied in with this.


A          This information would be emailed to Members.


Q         Why was such a large amount rolled forward in the accounts?


A          This was mainly due to an underspend on the Affordable Housing Project.  Spend had now been re-profied.


Q         What “other income” is included in the Campus West categories?


A          The answer to this would be circulated.


Q         Was there still budget available for any work on the Council Chamber – particularly in respect of any issues with the Audio Visual system?


A          Snagging is taking place at the moment and there was an intention that all issues would be dealt with.


Q         Is there anything planned for Stanborough?


A          Options are being discussed and the Cabinet Panel would be meeting on 27 November to discuss these.  Invitations to tender would then be sent out.


Q         Would the outcome of the High Ropes case and its impact on Finesse have any impact on the Council?


A          There would be no financial impact on the Council.  Finesse would pay its own fine and deal with its insurers on the case.


Members NOTED the Revenue and Capital monitoring report for both the General Fund and HRA services and the variances highlighted within the report.




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