Agenda item

Enfield Local Plan 2019 - 2041 Statement of Common Ground

Report of the Assistant Director (Planning)


The Planning and Policy Implementation Manager introduced the report, advising that the London Borough of Enfield was in the process of producing a new local plan which needed to be in conformity with the London Plan. Consultation on the Regulation 19 pre-submission version of the Enfield Local Plan (ELP) concluded in May 2024 and a Welwyn Hatfield response (Appendix A of the report) was submitted by the Assistant Director (Planning) under delegated powers in consultation with the Executive Member. The issues raised were consistent with those identified by the Council to the preceding Regulation 18 consultation and were reported to the Panel in August 2021. After the consultation, London Borough of Enfield had sought to agree a Statement of Common Ground (SCG) with all its neighbouring local authorities which set out areas of agreement and disagreement in order to assist the local plan inspector and narrow areas of concern. The SCG was set in context of local planning authorities having a duty to cooperate on cross-boundary issues. Although delegated powers relating to planning including could be exercised by the Assistant Director (Planning) and the Executive Member, this did not include entering into a SCG.


A member noted the Welwyn Hatfield response referenced that the current gap between the settlements was approximately 3.5km and it appeared from the strategy diagram that this would reduce to 1.5km which raised concerns about the level of harm to the green belt; he wondered what the Council’s options were. Officers explained they had made representations to Enfield about this at the Regulation 18 stage in 2021 and again during the consultation that had concluded in May 2024 and Welwyn Hatfield’s concerns would be considered at the examination of Enfield’s local plan.


A member asked for clarity as to the process in terms of the Council having lodged its concerns. The Assistant Director (Planning) explained this was a formal way in which Welwyn Hatfield set out the points of agreement/disagreement which would enable the inspector to focus on areas of dispute.


Noting that Enfield was seeking agreement that it could deliver its housing requirements within its borough boundaries, a member asked whether they were obliged to do so.  Officers advised this was somewhat complicated due to the London Plan which all London local authorities needed to generally conform to, while the ELP extended beyond the London Plan which would impact how they looked at their housing numbers. However a key part of a duty to cooperate was about councils discussing whether they could meet their housing need within the borough or effectively needed help from a neighbouring local authority; it was evident Enfield was able to meet its needs without assistance from Welwyn Hatfield.   




The Panel recommended to Cabinet that:

  1. The Assistant Director (Planning) be given delegated authority to agree a Statement of Common Ground with the London Borough of Enfield that reflects the Council's response to the Regulation 19 consultation; and
  2. The decision to be taken by the Executive Member using their delegated powers under paragraph 18.1(b) of the Cabinet procedure rules. 


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