Agenda item


Up to fifteen minutes will be made available for questions from members of the public on issues relating to the work of the Panel and to receive any petitions.


Notice of two questions had been received and the Chairman responded as follows:


Question 1 - From A.Perkins FRICS on Agenda Item 8 Local Plan Update


“At paragraph 4.90 of the Local Plan Update report it states:


Promoters of sites in Welham Green have combined to put forward proposals for a new single form primary school to address the infrastructure issues. They have also submitted evidence on the need for additional school places in Welham Green challenging the County Council's position that 1,000 dwellings equates to the need to provide a two form entry primary school and two additional levels at secondary school. A promoter in Brookmans Park has similarly submitted evidence on this matter".


With regard to primary school capacity in Brookmans Park, an expert report from Mr Stephen Clyne at Educational Facilities Management was submitted to Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council and to Hertfordshire County Council on 11 July 2016 which demonstrated that there is not a constraint on housing provision in Brookmans Park related to the capacity of the primary school.


Based on expert evidence from Stephen Clyne, a highly respected expert consultant who regularly provides educational advice to County Councils throughout the UK, it has been established that only 147 of the 310 pupils who attend Brookmans Park primary school live in that village. 163 of the children attending Brookmans Park primary school (52%) do not live in the village.


Hertfordshire County Council has made clear that it intends to expand the existing 1.5 form entry primary school or build a new primary school in Brookmans Park to accommodate 2 form entry. This would further increase the pupil capacity.


Paragraph 72 of the NPPF states:


"The Government attaches great importance to ensuring sufficient choice of school places is available to meet the needs of existing and new communities. Local planning authorities should take a proactive, positive and collaborative approach to meeting this requirement.


They should:


Give great weight to the need to create, expand or alter schools and;


Work with schools promoters to identify and resolve key planning issues.... "


Three possible sites for a new primary school in Brookmans Park have been identified since 2012 but, to the best of my knowledge, no further steps have been taken by WHBC to comply with paragraph 72.


Paragraph 162 of the NPPF requires a local planning authority to work with other authorities and providers to:


'Assess the quality and capacity of infrastructure for education".


Paragraph 182 of the NPPF requires a Local Plan to be:


·         Positively Prepared

·         Justified

·         Effective

·         Consistent with national policy.


Having regard to paragraphs 72 and 162 of the NPPF would the CHPP please state why the Borough Council has failed to respond, at all, to the expert report in respect of primary school capacity in Brookmans Park, which was submitted to the Borough Council in July 2016?


In accordance with paragraphs 72 and 162 of the NPPF, would the CHPP please state what work the Borough Council has undertaken with Hertfordshire County Council in respect of primary school capacity in Brookmans Park subsequent to the submission of the expert report from EFM to WHBC in July 2016?


Given the fact that WHBC has been in possession of expert evidence since July 2016 (seven months ago) and that Regulation 19 consultation closed on 24 October 2016 (over three months ago), would CHPP please confirm in accordance with paragraph 182 of the NPPF and The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012, whether or not additional site allocations in Brookmans Park will be advanced as Main Modifications to the submission Local Plan, when it is submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination?”




“The Borough Council has asked the County Council to review the evidence received from promoters of sites relating to primary school capacity as it is the education planning authority.


The Borough Council will consider whether there is a need to make modifications to the Plan in the light of the main issues raised during the consultation and any fresh evidence prior to the submission of the Plan. A report will be presented to the next meeting of Cabinet Housing and Planning Panel summarising the main issues raised and proposing a draft response. The report will update Members on the County Council’s position on the evidence submitted on primary school capacity.


The Council is therefore not in a position to state at this meeting whether or not any main modifications will be made with regards to additional site allocations.”


Question 2 - from W.Davis


“I would like to draw the Chair’s attention to the following statement in the Officer’s report before you tonight summarising the responses to the last Local Plan consultation. At point 4.7 it states “Other respondents consider that residents have not had sufficient opportunity to be involved in the process of plan making and that representations are not listened to”. The fact that your Officers have failed to refute this statement and address the issues posed, as they have done in relation to other consultation points listed, does suggest that they agree with the sentiment.  If you do not believe that to be true, can you point out any areas where the plans have been altered materially in relation to comments made by Welwyn Garden City residents following the last four consultations?”




“The purpose of the report is to highlight some of the emerging issues raised during the consultation and does not propose a response. The direction of the Plan has changed a number of times in response to consultation responses. For example,


1.    The Emerging Core Strategy proposed an approach of restricting release of land from the Green Belt to the towns, the strategy now includes sites around the villages.


2.    More detail has been included in the plan on Garden City principles.


3.    The extent of the strategic site North East Welwyn Garden City SDS1 (WGC4) was reduced and the policy states that a Masterplan will allow the opportunity for a realigned runway.”