Agenda item


Report of the Executive Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) which provides the Committee with the performance indicator data for the services within its remit.



Members received a report from the Executive Director – Resources, Environment and Cultural Services, accompanied by a presentation, which informed them of the performance indicator data for the services that fell within the remit of this Committee.


Of the seven indicators reported, two were red, three amber and two green.  Explanations for this were provided within the report.


Members suggested that there would be merit in reporting both quarterly and year to date data as this would level out any external influences that might occur in a particular period.  Officers agreed that they could include this in future reports.


It was noted that the issue with staffing levels for collection of payment for invoices had been addressed.  There was one long-serving member of staff, one new manager and a new staff member.


Members asked for more information on Firstcare, the new absence reporting system.  They were advised that the Human Resources Manager had known of the scheme for some time and it had been used by the Housing Trust since 2012.  Reports providing in-depth analysis of absence were provided by the system which would be made available to Officers.


Members enquired about the Satisfaction Survey which Serco undertook on behalf of the Council.  It was felt that this was another area where year to date data alongside quarterly results would be beneficial for Members.


Members asked whether there were actually 350 responses to the survey or if this was just the number of calls made including those not answered.


It was agreed that the report from the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee scrutiny review into the Satisfaction Survey would be circulated to Members of this Committee so that they could see the process that was followed and the questions that were asked.


One Member had been interviewed as part of the survey and he said that he thought it quite good and gave opportunities to add comments where the answer to a question was “dissatisfied”.


Members asked whether there was a way of identifying how much impact the welfare reforms had on collection of council tax.  Officers said that it was not possible to absolutely identify this as the cause, but it was fair to assume that the reforms had played some part and particularly so with the recent benefit cap.


Where customers were affected by the changes to the system, they were provided with advice and support by officers and also signposted to the CAB and Herts Money Advice.


Members asked why the target for collection of business rates had not been changed to reflect the option to pay over 12 instead of 10 months.  Officers replied that it was difficult to gauge how many businesses would take the option.  However the target had been adjusted and would be again, whilst still keeping it challenging for Sopra Steria.  It would not be wise to set the target too low.


Members asked what the monetary value was for the 2% of council tax uncollected.  Officers to circulate this information.



To note the report and the comments from officers which provided background to the performances within the remit of this Committee.



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