Agenda item


To elect the Mayor for the Municipal Year 2017/18.


The retiring Mayor will present the Civic Awards and Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Awards for 2017.


Nominations were invited for the election of the Mayor of the Borough of Welwyn Hatfield for the Municipal Year 2017/18. It was moved by Councillor N.Pace and seconded by Councillor D.Bell that Councillor L.Sparks be elected. The retiring Mayor then asked if there were any other nominations. There being no other nominations, it was




That Councillor L.Sparks be elected Mayor of the Borough of Welwyn Hatfield for the Municipal Year 2017/18.


The Council, in partnership with Serco, hosted a Civic Awards Scheme.  Awards were presented to people living in the Borough for extraordinary commitment, dedication, energy and effort in their field or towards achieving a particular goal.


The retiring Mayor presented the following awards for 2017:-


          Graham Lale in recognition of the work he had undertaken for the elderly and less able residents of Welwyn Garden City.


          Wayne Bush in recognition of the work he had undertaken with the Town Centre team at events (not able to attend).


The retiring Mayor invited R.Guy, Serco Local Government, to present their award for Environmental Services to the Sherrardspark Wood Wardens’ Society in recognition of fifty years of commitment to protect and promote the wood.


The retiring Mayor invited G.Ward, Dean of Students, to present the University of Hertfordshire young person award to Eponine Laming-Nash in recognition of the work she had undertaken within the Borough and as Vice-Chair of the Welwyn Hatfield Youth Council.


The retiring Mayor then presented the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Awards 2017.  The Awards were to support young people to get started, improve and excel in sport, art, dance or drama and could be used to cover expenses such as equipment, coaching, travel or fees essential to their progress-


Callum Nicolson


Hannah Lucy Williams (not able to attend)


Holly Jane Clayton


Lavigne Leung


Opeoluwa Afolabi (not able to attend)


Robin Bedford (not able to attend)


Shivani Aashish Patel (not able to attend)


Ellen Rose Day


Eliezer Lagman


Louise Grenfell


Olivia Kilby


Abbey-Rae Turner


Jessie Anne-Marie Edwards


Alistair Michael Fitton


Frank Brocklesby Sum


David William Shipman


James Woodward


Arabella Moen



The retiring Mayor reported that she had raised £6,000 for her charity during her year of office, Hertfordshire Action on Disability.  The Mayor presented the cheque to the representative of her charity.


The retiring Mayor presented her Consort, Mr A.Franey with a gift as a token of the Council’s appreciation of his service as Consort.


The retiring Mayor thanked Councillor L.Sparks as her Deputy for her support during the year and presented her with flowers.


The retiring Mayor thanked S.Houghton, Mayor and Member Support Officer for her help during the year presenting her with a gift.


Councillor P.Mabbott then vacated the Chair which was taken by Councillor L.Sparks.


Councillor L.Sparks made the formal Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Mayor pursuant to Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972.


(Councillor L.Sparks in the Chair)


Councillor L.Sparks expressed appreciation of the honour bestowed upon her by the Council in electing her as Mayor.


On behalf of the Council, Councillor L.Sparks paid tribute to the retiring Mayor, Councillor P.Mabbott, for the excellent way that she had carried out her duties as the Borough’s Mayor during 2016/17.  She presented her with a retiring Mayor’s badge and album of her mayoral year as a token of the Council’s appreciation of her service.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor J.Dean, expressed his thanks to Councillor P.Mabbott for her service as Mayor of the Borough and was joined by Councillors K.Thorpe, Labour Group Leader and M.Cowan, Liberal Democrat Group Leader.