Agenda item


To receive a verbal update from the Tenants’ Panel Representatives on the work of the Panel.



Rose Read, Chair of the Tenants’ Panel provided a verbal update on the work undertaken by the Tenants’ Panel.


“On the whole the Tenants’ Panel are not very far off where I had envisaged them to be from last year.  Our numbers, at the moment, have dwindled from our full complement of 27 in total and we are currently 14 tenants and 2 leaseholders.


Our attendance at events like Waste Cage Days is a wonderful way of giving a face to the Tenants’ Panel and from there hopefully getting people interested in the work we do, which will enable us to get back up to our full quota at the next Tenants’ Panel elections.  We are also looking at co-opting a few residents who have shown interest in our team. 




Since the re-integration our Sub-Groups have each been rewording their ‘working documents’ (Terms of Reference etc.) that are used as reference for codes of best practice.  All Sub-Groups are taking this opportunity to look through the documents to change wording or phrases which are not viable for the Tenants’ Panel now working in conjunction with the Council.


As each of the documents are finalised they are then passed to the Governance Sub-Group to enable them to do last checks and a quick fine tune.  They are also working on creating a Handbook to explain about the Tenants’ Panel and its processes and policies for our new members.


The Environmental Sub-Group has just closed the ‘Blooming Good’ Annual Garden Competition and the presentation party for the winners to collect their trophies will be in mid-September.  Meanwhile they will be looking at the improvement bids received from our tenants alongside any other environmental matters.


Working closely with the Council’s media department in producing the ‘Your Voice’ magazine, the Communications Sub-Group are also involved with the content of the Tenants’ Panel website and have recently whittled down the many options of the new Tenants’ Panel Logo presenting the Tenants’ Panel with a choice of three which the new Logo was the one chosen.


The Scrutiny Sub-Group is starting their repairs contact centre telephony service scrutiny and contact with the relevant department manager and staff have been made.  There is also a Scrutiny Masterclass training session in October which all of the Tenants’ Panel have the opportunity to attend.


Council Meetings


The Tenants’ Panel now have two representatives who attend on SOSC (Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee), EOSC (Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Committee), ROSC (Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee) and also the (CHP) Cabinet Housing Panel.  At our AGM held on 26 July I encouraged all the representatives to make sure our voices are being heard and through us the voices of the tenants and leaseholders that we represent.  The Tenants’ Panel need to enhance their presence in each of these groups with a pro-active approach which I hope will enable us to work in a cohesive manner with the Councillors”.


The Tenants’ Panel Representatives responding to a question from the Chairman replied that they considered the most pressing matters for the Tenants’ would be the new properties being built and the future of affordable housing in Borough.




That the update report of the Chair of the Tenants’ Panel be welcomed and noted.