Agenda item


Report of the Executive Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) sets out an appeal against the refusal of Estate Management Consent for the formation of hardstanding.


The report of the Executive Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) set out an appeal against the refusal of Estate Management Consent for the formation of hardstanding.  It was noted that the reason for refusal was principally in regards to the loss of hedgerow.  The loss of hedgerow over be above the minimum required for vehicular access failed to comply with Policy EM4 of the Welwyn Garden City Estate Management Scheme.  Furthermore, it was noted the loss of trees or hedgerows which harm the character and amenities of the area would not accord with Policy EM3.  It was considered that the lack of reference to Policy EM3 in the reason for refusal was typographic error only, as the reason remained clear.


The key issue in the determination of this appeal was the impact of the landscaping works on the amenities and values of the surrounding area.


The Council aimed to ensure that a significant proportion, around 50%, was retained as landscaped ‘greenery’ to retain the appearance and ethos of the Garden City, unless individual circumstances indicated that this would not be appropriate.  Members noted that the existing frontage contained exclusively landscaped greenery.  This was consistent within the terrace of dwelling in which the appeal property was contained, with the exception of the end of terrace property to the eastern extent.


The report noted that the appellant made reference to on-street parking issues along Kirklands.  The appellant’s grounds in regards to parking issues refers to lack of parking provision throughout the day and night, by reference to other residents as well as staff for the local primary school and pick up/drop off times.  Whilst the proximity of the primary school was acknowledged the parking issues which arose from the proximity to the school would be intermittent throughout the day.  The issue of on-street parking resultant from other residents in the area was common to most areas in Welwyn Garden City and thereby was not considered to outweigh the harm to the values and amenities of the area resultant from the proposed works.


The report indicated that the appellant had stated that he wishes to purchase an electric vehicle, which will need to be parked on-site for charging.  Members gave consideration to this and the suggestion of a reduction in the hedge removal to 2.5m in width as well as the installation of hedging round the edge of the proposed hard surfacing.  The crossover would be in line with the hard standing area.  It was suggested that the opening be along the path leading to the house but it was felt that it would be hazardous as there was drop between the path and the proposed standing area, this would pose additional difficulties for wheelchairs etc.


Members sought clarification on the exact part of the hedgerow in question. It was noted that number 56 Kirklands had removed a larger proportion of the hedge and that the Enforcement Team should investigate. Officers were reminded to provide an update on items brought up at the last meeting. Members were advised that standard hard standing area was 4.8m x 2.4m minimum.


Members were advised that the principle objection in this case was the extent of hedgerow removal and the impact on the street scene, it was considered that a reduction in the amount of hedgerow removal would move the proposal to more policy complaint landscaping works.


It was moved by Councillor M Cowan, seconded by Councillor J Beckerman and





That the Members uphold the delegated decision and dismiss the appeal, with the addition of the following informatives: -


1.    The suggestion of a reduction in the amount of hedgerow removal is considered worthy of further discussion. It is recommended that the applicant contact the planning team in order to continue negotiations to try to create a proposal that better meets the aims, purposes and policies within the Welwyn Garden City Estate Management Scheme.


2.    Due to the topography of the site, and the requirement for the hard surfacing to be raised above the natural ground level, it is considered that the proposed development may require planning permission and the applicant is advised to seek confirmation of this from the planning department.


Supporting documents: