Agenda item


Report of the Executive Director (Housing and Communities) which provides Members with details of the Annual Community Grants (exempt Appendix A at Agenda item 9 in the Part II private and confidential section of the meeting).



Report of the Executive Director (Housing and Communities) setting out eight applications from Voluntary Organisations for Annual Community Grants.


It had been agreed in 2016/17 as part of the budget setting that for a three year period, the Citizens Advice Bureau would have a ring fenced budget of £95,000.


Members of the Grants Board had decided how the provisional grants budget of £103,270 plus £1000 underspend rolled forward from previous year’s budget would be allocated between the Annual Grants and Small Community Grants for 2018/19.


The report noted that of the 2018/19 budget for the Annual and Small Community Grants, once removing the ring fenced sum of £24,000 for the Small Grant Budget would leave an available budget of £80,270.


FairLife Foundation


An application had been received for £10,000 for purchase of materials for schools and on living wage payments.


Members commented that there was lack of evidence and felt that it was not part of the school’s curriculum.


REFUSED the application.


Hatfield and District Age Concern Friendship House


An application had been received for £15,000 towards the Centre’s operating, maintenance and overhead costs especially salaries, food provision and utility costs.


Members considered that the service provided by this facility was excellent value for money.


AGREED a grant of £10,000.


Mind in Mid Herts


An application had been received for £26,245 to cover the salary costs of a part-time manager, part-time mental health out-reach worker and the Part-time Volunteer Co-ordinator.  Also the training and travel costs associated with the project.


Whilst members were supportive of the work, a question was raised in respect of where the referrals were coming from.  It was agreed that an update on the project be provided by March 2018 before funds are released.


AGREED a grant of £21,000.


The Recover Team Ltd


An application had been received for £22,000 to support the 10 new participants.  The funding request represents a proportion of the running costs of the charity. 


Members considered the positive project and commented that the charity provided help for people with poor self-esteem; a barrier to entering the job market.


AGREED a grant of £8,000.





An application had been received for the amount of £29,018 towards rent costs for their service based in Queensway House. 


Members commented on the rent costs, surplus shown on the annual report and the alternative funding being sought.


AGREED a grant of £4,500.



Welwyn Hatfield Community and Voluntary Service


An application had been received for the amount of £12,900 to support the Community Car Scheme and the operation of the Volunteer Centre including a paid part-time co-ordinator.


Members knew of the work being carried out by community groups and individuals and supported the application.  The Board agreed that the money should be ring fenced for the Car Scheme.


AGREED a grant of £4,700.



WGC and Hatfield Food Bank


An application had been received for the amount of £3,000 towards food purchases.


Members commented that it was the only food bank in the town centre and supported the work carried out by volunteers.


AGREED a grant of £1,000.


Welwyn Hatfield Women’s Refuge and Support Services


An application had been received for the amount of £32,000 to cover the salary costs of the Outreach and Resettlement Service, the proportion of the Child Support Service salary costs not covered by the grant from Hertfordshire County Council Children’s Services and the remainder of other salary costs not covered by other funding (e.g. the income from accommodation charges and Housing Related Support grant from Accommodation Solutions).


Members expressed their views regarding funding from Hertfordshire County Council, as they were of the opinion that this was a County Function.  The running cost in respect of the utilities was discussed.  It was agreed that they provided value for money in terms of a safe place.


AGREED a grant of £31,070.




That Community Grants should be paid as follows:



Amount Sought

Amount Granted


FairLife Foundation



Hatfield and District Age Concern Friendship House



Mind in Mid Herts









Welwyn Hatfield Community and Voluntary Service



WGC & Hatfield Food Bank



Women's Refuge



Allocation to CAB



Small Grant Budget 18/19



Annual and Small Community Grants Budget 18/19






Supporting documents: